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A "would you eat it" question...

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I would, but I'll eat anything that doesn't smell bad ;). I would probably feel more comfortable re-heating it on the stove first, to tell myself I am killing any bacteria there may be.


It honestly depends on your family's digestive tract resilience. My mom is extremely sensitive, and can't even eat at potlucks or buffets, because she gets sick every time. She puts leftovers in the fridge immediately.


I prefer to let leftovers cool off before refrigerating them, and am careful to do so. However, once in a while when something gets left out, especially if there isn't any meat in it, I grumble, but we still eat it. We have always been fine.


If your family isn't sensitive, I see no reason why it wouldn't be fine, especially if you give it a good saute first.

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If your family isn't sensitive, I see no reason why it wouldn't be fine, especially if you give it a good saute first.


Heh, heh... I read "....especially if you give it a good "salute" first! :lol: I was trying to figure out how saluting it might make you better off! Maybe I just have the upcoming holiday on my mind??? :001_huh:


FWIW... I'd eat it if it smelled fine!

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