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Do we want another child or not?

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My friend just called me from work and asked if we might be interested in adopting an 8 year old boy. She is a foster care case aide and works with many foster/adoptive workers that we have worked with in the past when we adopted our 3 kids and fostered over 100 others.


Right now we have 22ds (mentally impaired, fetal alcohol, still in school and at home), 14dd (mentally impaired, mitochondrial disorders) and 13dd (delayed with mitochondrial disorders). Life is very busy with 3 special needs kids but yet we wonder at times if we need to fill that empty chair at the kitchen table.


Obviously we would need to find out a lot more about this boy (my friend can't tell me much due to privacy stuff), renew of foster care license, update our adoption application, etc. and on and on.


I told her to ask the foster care worker about us doing some respite first to get to know him a bit and see how this fits. He will be going to respite anyway so we might be a place to try.


Don't know yet, but we will see. I think that 22ds would LOVE a little brother and be very good with him. 14dd would likely enjoy it as well and do well. It is 13dd that I am not so sure about. She really enjoys being the youngest and having the most attention. It would really depend on the mix and how they got along.

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The fact that you already have 3 special needs kids whom you've adopted is extremely admirable!


As for adding another, only you and Dh can determine that. As you mentioned, meeting him and determining if he's a good fit would be a great start. You will be led from there if you feel that is the step you should make.


Wishing you all the best! You and your dh are both incredibly special people.

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The fact that you already have 3 special needs kids whom you've adopted is extremely admirable!


As for adding another, only you and Dh can determine that. As you mentioned, meeting him and determining if he's a good fit would be a great start. You will be led from there if you feel that is the step you should make.


Wishing you all the best! You and your dh are both incredibly special people.



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What kind and gentle souls you both must have. I admire your boundless love and strength. I agree that only you can answer this question, and whatever you choose, it will be right for your family :grouphug: I wish you the best as you struggle with this decision.

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