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Email Hijack Question

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OMG I woke up this morning to my cousin from Sweden calling to ask if I'm okay because she recieved an email from me saying I was in the UK, had been mugged and needed $1,700. Needless to say, I'm fine, and here in Connecticut FUMING over having both my email addresses hacked--- yahoo and gmail, as well as my FaceBook account.


Yahoo doesn't want to entertain my pleas until tomorrow, but I managed to get my gmail account back up and running with changed security info. HOWEVER, my entire contacts list is gone, which is HUGE because I was president of a national dog breed club until my term expired in April and have a TON of contacts all over the world through that.


I've tested the gmail account through my work address and had others do the same, and I'm recieving the emails, but all new emails are going directly to the trash. I can't figure out how to change that....does anyone know?


Thanks for any advice about the hijacking and the gmail fix! Oh, and plain ole' sympathy is fine too! :glare:



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Wow, that's scary! And sad! Obviously you've changed your password, right? I'd whip out an email from each account to every single person on your address list explaining what happened, just as a safeguard. Good luck!



That's just it---- my contacts list is GONE. And all my new emails from people to my gmail account (which is the only one up and running now!) are only going directly to my trash account, which is weird, because I thought you had to manually move messages to the trash folder. What's up????




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I had my email hijacked about 3 weeks ago - not fun! It was very stressful. Luckily, we were able to get it back within a few days and I haven't had any bad repercussions from it (so far, knock on wood).


I went here for help - http://ask-leo.com/ If you look on the first page he has a whole article devoted to just what happened to you.


One thing that he very strongly suggests is to never, never use a free email service! hope this helps. :)

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OMG I woke up this morning to my cousin from Sweden calling to ask if I'm okay because she recieved an email from me saying I was in the UK, had been mugged and needed $1,700. Needless to say, I'm fine, and here in Connecticut FUMING over having both my email addresses hacked--- yahoo and gmail, as well as my FaceBook account.


Yahoo doesn't want to entertain my pleas until tomorrow, but I managed to get my gmail account back up and running with changed security info. HOWEVER, my entire contacts list is gone, which is HUGE because I was president of a national dog breed club until my term expired in April and have a TON of contacts all over the world through that.


I've tested the gmail account through my work address and had others do the same, and I'm recieving the emails, but all new emails are going directly to the trash. I can't figure out how to change that....does anyone know?


Thanks for any advice about the hijacking and the gmail fix! Oh, and plain ole' sympathy is fine too! :glare:



I'm so sorry this happened! This happened to my sister, too. One thing she does that I don't is she chooses to stay logged in to her account. I don't do that, even at home. She believes her was a virus because it sent out medication advertisement.

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I'll give you sympathy! :grouphug: Do you know anyone that has any of your e-mail lists? I would get an e-mail out that you are home and happy. This has happened to friends in the mission world and my sister in her home business world. Tell them any mail from you will have something special in the subject line. This can be worked out but my sister just gave in and changed her account. I guess she still had her contact lists. Good luck!

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