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What to do for middle school science..Apologia, etc


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Ok, I am back to obsess over science plans. I have the entire set of God's Design for Science, and a few Apologia books. I had planned to cruise through the GDS books, when I get derailed looking at Apologia. I compared them last night....looks like I can get a much broader range of topics in with GDS, but Apologia looks so much more fun, I love the narrative way it reads, it just seems much more interesting to read. Inspiring. Plus, I found the notebooking journals that they make, and those look wonderful!

But, I am realizing the years are flying by and while I want to have fun, I also need to prepare for the future.

So I was looking at the Apologia General Science, recommended for 7th, and then the series goes on from there...8th is Physical, 9th Biol, 10t Chem, 11th Physics, 12th- elective. Is this pretty standard? If so, my rising 5th grader has just 2 years before we get 'serious'. Does that mean I should prep him now with a broad range of topics like GDS has? It seems like spending a year on Land Animals and a year on Astronomy might not be wise when I only have 2 years before things get 'serious'. How did he grow up so fast?

Should I plan to cover 2 Apologia texts per year (5th grade could be Land Animals and Astronomy, 6th could be Botany and Swimming Creatures). We did a Human Body book this year (GDS) that was a good intro. Or, should I plan to do 4 GDS books per year (science 4 days a week) and get through much of the series?

I would welcome hive comments....opinions....considerations.

I guess Apologia looks really fun and inspiring. But the focus is pretty narrow, and I want to know if he would be OK doing that and then starting General Science in 7th. Or if it might be better to cover all science topics lightly using GDS now. THANKS!

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Ok, I am back to obsess over science plans.


I don't think I am obsessing but I am giving this alot of thought. My oldest son, who is a huge science lover, is headed into 6th grade.


I have the entire set of God's Design for Science, and a few Apologia books. I had planned to cruise through the GDS books, when I get derailed looking at Apologia. I compared them last night....looks like I can get a much broader range of topics in with GDS, but Apologia looks so much more fun, I love the narrative way it reads, it just seems much more interesting to read. Inspiring. Plus, I found the notebooking journals that they make, and those look wonderful!


I agree. I prefer the Apologia texts for the reasons you have mentioned but the other series looks like it would cover alot more territory in a shorter period of time.


But, I am realizing the years are flying by and while I want to have fun, I also need to prepare for the future.

So I was looking at the Apologia General Science, recommended for 7th, and then the series goes on from there...8th is Physical, 9th Biol, 10t Chem, 11th Physics, 12th- elective. Is this pretty standard? If so, my rising 5th grader has just 2 years before we get 'serious'. Does that mean I should prep him now with a broad range of topics like GDS has? It seems like spending a year on Land Animals and a year on Astronomy might not be wise when I only have 2 years before things get 'serious'. How did he grow up so fast?


I'm asking that constantly lately!


Should I plan to cover 2 Apologia texts per year (5th grade could be Land Animals and Astronomy, 6th could be Botany and Swimming Creatures). We did a Human Body book this year (GDS) that was a good intro. Or, should I plan to do 4 GDS books per year (science 4 days a week) and get through much of the series?


I think you still have a little wiggle room since you are looking at 5th grade. I think either plan would work well.


I would welcome hive comments....opinions....considerations.

I guess Apologia looks really fun and inspiring. But the focus is pretty narrow, and I want to know if he would be OK doing that and then starting General Science in 7th.


The folks at Apologia seem to think so, from what I've read.


Or if it might be better to cover all science topics lightly using GDS now.


I think we are going to do Sonlight's Science 6 for 6th grade because it touches on biology, chemistry, and physics. I like the idea of doing that before going into Apologia in 7th grade. I have been really unsure about using Apologia at all. I so much prefer to use living books and science kits. I also like the idea of focusing on one topic for a whole year - like Noeo science does. But, in the end, I think this is where we are headed. My son is very, very into science and I don't really feel like I've ever offered him a curriculum that really challenged him in this area. He is mostly self-taught and it's amazing what he knows through all the real books he has read. He used living books this year for 5th and it's been good but I think we are going to take the more traditional path as we get ready for high school.




Let me know what you decide to do!!

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So, up 'til now I've completed all the Apologia Elem. series and Gen Sci.


There is no need to prep your ds for Gen Sci in 7th grade. So long as he can read at a 7th grade reading level he'll be just fine. When the time comes, hit up DonnaYoung.org and use her schedule, vocab. helps, along with Quizlet for vocab. practice online and you're all set. I always encourage extra hands on. I really think middle school should not lose that aspect of science learning.


Enjoy 2 volumes of Apologia elementary science each year for grades 5 & 6 (total 4 Elem. books), add some living books if he takes special interest in anything and enjoy science.


Sell the GDS...or keep it in case you change your mind next year.


Just my 2cents :)

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Chiming in here - as a mom of many, eldest dd has finished high school science and I have a passion for teaching kids science.


Please, please, PLEASE don't sweat it. Even through 5th and 6th grade, just get them DOING SCIENCE. Use whatever curriculum you need, but make sure they're following the scientific method, experimenting, wondering why, researching, tweaking.


Get them involved in a science fair. Make them do experiments every week. Use anything you KNOW will get done.


We've used Apologia. We like Apologia. Really. And for me, it's how I can get h.s. science done.


But I love the freedom of having kids in the upper elementary and middle years actually doing science. For the record, I think that TOPS is amazing stuff, but it intimidates some people, so I hesitate to recommend it (even though I think it's not hard at. all. )


OK, I'm done now. This is probably not helpful, but thought I'd chime in!

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Chiming in here - as a mom of many, eldest dd has finished high school science and I have a passion for teaching kids science.


Please, please, PLEASE don't sweat it. Even through 5th and 6th grade, just get them DOING SCIENCE. Use whatever curriculum you need, but make sure they're following the scientific method, experimenting, wondering why, researching, tweaking.


Get them involved in a science fair. Make them do experiments every week. Use anything you KNOW will get done.


We've used Apologia. We like Apologia. Really. And for me, it's how I can get h.s. science done.


But I love the freedom of having kids in the upper elementary and middle years actually doing science. For the record, I think that TOPS is amazing stuff, but it intimidates some people, so I hesitate to recommend it (even though I think it's not hard at. all. )


OK, I'm done now. This is probably not helpful, but thought I'd chime in!

Don't mention TOPS. I own a few and I'm really struggling with my mid. school sciences. Honestly, I don't love Apologia Gen Sci and while the Physical looks good, I think we can manage physics in a much more hands on way....darn it. Now I have to go get TOPS out again while I'm planning my super family physics....darn it!

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Don't mention TOPS. I own a few and I'm really struggling with my mid. school sciences. Honestly, I don't love Apologia Gen Sci and while the Physical looks good, I think we can manage physics in a much more hands on way....darn it. Now I have to go get TOPS out again while I'm planning my super family physics....darn it!


Heh. I'm evil like that, Tina.


I'm teaching a science class for 6-8 graders using TOPS task cards this fall - I'm SO excited!!!

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Oh wow. I had never read about TOPS before (btw HeatherH, that link above isn't right--has an extra 's'). It looks sooo interesting.


We're going to be using CPO Earth this year. If you have used TOPS Earth & Space, which would you recommend and why? Some of the CPO Earth Investigations (ie labs) would have to be skipped or greatly modified as they are designed for groups of students. From TOPS samples, it looks as though they can be used with just one student. Is that correct?


Thanks :)


(I will search the board for TOPS later---have to get out in the garden now!)

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I used General for my 7th grader 2 years ago and there is no prep needed. It does step up the bar a bit as far as reading and comprehension goes. The tests are not easy. It took my 7th grader a few modules go get into the swing of the program. Compared to the elementary series, it is harder and more in depth. She had no problems with Apologia Physical in 8th and decided to switch to BJU Biology for 9th.


For 5th last year, my youngest dc and I did BJU science in the summer and fall, then apologia Flying Creatures. We are doing Apologia Land Animals this summer then I will do Abeka 6th during the school year. If we still have time, I'll do Swimming Creatures. I like doing a "survey course" because it touches on so many different topics. It ignites the interest of my dc to explore other avenues they might not consider otherwise.

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I think you should use whatever appeals to your dc. Ds1 could use anything--he's used Apologia Elem, Gen, Phys and PH Science Explorers. (We didn't have GDS back then.) But ds2 despises Apologia's long-winded chattiness. He loves GDS; I also use some PH SE with him. He likes that GDS is short and to-the-point. He reads, we discuss, he does an experiment if there is one. I've also taught him to do a basic lab report. Not really necessary for 6th grade but he was ready.


GDS's format and style have helped ds2 enjoy science. Our experience. YMMV.



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My 6th & 7th graders did Apologia General Science this past year and enjoyed it. It was an easy transition to middle school science and the girls enjoyed most of the labs. We did them all 50+ labs! We did the text on an accelerated format and it was no problem. The text was IMO a little wordy but the labs were explained well and easy to execute (we get the kits...a real timesaver!) We also do the Science Explorer series too as an addition to unit studies but our spine is the Apologia middle school series and up. I wasn't a fan of the Apologia elementary series (I wanted to like it but the girls said it was boring...go figure) so we switched to Science Explorer and they have liked that series better. We've used Rainbow in the past and wouldn't use it again. I felt that the material didn't justify the cost. Also used Sonlight one year...a complete bomb. It was all over the place. Continuity was a real issue IMO. Hope this helps!

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Heh. I'm evil like that, Tina.


I'm teaching a science class for 6-8 graders using TOPS task cards this fall - I'm SO excited!!!

Well, God is gracious! Your post turned out to be rather timely. It turns out the TOPS I have will nicely compliment my current Physics Work in Progress. I checked out Apologia Physical Science and all the topics are covered via Noeo Chem (which we did this year) and my WIP. Looks like middle school science is looking up :) Now, just to get the work done....keep me posted on your TOPS. Can you pm and tell me which ones you're doing. I'd love to know and glean from you.

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