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Do I HAAAVVVVEEEE to supplement MM???


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I confess...I'm a long time lurker who has GREATLY benefited from all of the advice on this forum. I just finished planning my curric for my soon to be 5th grade DD who tested in the 90th percentile for all things language...but bombed the math portion of the ITBS! We used MUS so I expected that to some degree but now I'm nervous and have decided to switch to MM. She is very much a social sue/wiggly willie type and I thought MUS would be great for her but she is a little bored with it. So my questions:


1. Is MM a good stand alone program or must I supplement with CLE or something??

2. Why or why not?


I would love to hear from those of you who use it with and without supplements. A million thanks!

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I have a rising 5th grader and she tested well, but I KNOW that the math program she had this year was terrible (Virtual Ac) so I am making her do MM 4th now and play catch up all yr. I like MM and don't see any need to supplement. I like how they set up concepts earlier for future use and attack concepts in different directions. For intance my 2nd grader was doing shapes in her VA and they just made her learn the shapes, MM set it up in a grid and had her look at the squares (setting up for area, and multiplication) and learing the clock had them asking her to tell the same time in several ways. (half past, quarter til, 5 after, etc...)


hope that helps- I can't say much more--I haven't DONE much more.



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I've used MM as a stand-alone curriculum with 2 kids, and don't think it needs to be supplemented. It combines a strong conceptual foundation with LOTS of practice problems, and the problems are pretty challenging and varied. The concepts are illustrated (graphically) very well, and also explained verbally in ways that help V/S learners "see" the concepts, so it has worked equally well for my visual/spatial DS and verbal/linear DD.


If you want to add something fun in the summer, or just for a change of pace during the school year, you could look at Life of Fred Fractions and Decimals & Percents, but those would be a bonus and not a necessity.



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I've been doing some of the 3rd grade samples this summer as review for my daughter who is going into 4th grade. I really like the program, it seems to have EVERYTHING you need all in one spot. I will say that I have also been drawn to adding in MEP math (it's free) and sort of like mental math or fun math. We've been adding a couple of pages from MEP to MM and I am pleased with how it's going so far. I have thought of adding in Singapore's CWP as well. I don't think it's a necessity to add anything, I just like jumping around and mixing things up for fun to see that their brains are engaged in something completely different.

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I will concur. No supplementing needed. I switched to MM from CLE and have been very, very pleased. Many priceless "lightbulb" moments for my dd!


I will admit that I have LoF but I only have it because I think it's so neat that I wanted dd to have a little fun with it. I don't know yet if she will think it's fun.;) We are finishing some remediation in MM and will plug in the LoF later in the year or maybe next, but I am not doing it because I think MM needs the supplementation.

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I will be using MM as a stand alone with my rising 3rd grader, and this summer I'm getting ready to use MM Blue series (division) with my rising 5th grader in hopes that we can jump into the 5th grade light blue level by the fall.


I won't be supplementing, per se, but Fridays will be 'fun' day where we do all our subjects as games...so we might add in some cuisinaire roddles, LoF, board games, and logic puzzles. Just to change it up once a week, though, not because MM needs supplemented.

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I will concur. No supplementing needed. I switched to MM from CLE and have been very, very pleased. Many priceless "lightbulb" moments for my dd!


I will admit that I have LoF but I only have it because I think it's so neat that I wanted dd to have a little fun with it. I don't know yet if she will think it's fun.;) We are finishing some remediation in MM and will plug in the LoF later in the year or maybe next, but I am not doing it because I think MM needs the supplementation.


Thanks everyone for all the information/support. It just seems that a lot of people here supplement with CLE so I wasn't sure. In fact, I actual bought some of the 400 books at a convention thinking I could mesh the two somehow but I just can't figure out how to do that since they seem soooo different. Anyway, I'm thankful that you all don't think it's absolutely necessary. I am using LoF fractions this summer for catch up since we already finished up Delta this year which didn't cover any fractions. DD likes that well enough and I think we needed to do something so we can start MM next. I'm going to start her with 5A and hope we can swim through it (as in not sink :tongue_smilie:) I also bought the RS Math games kit since DD loves games so I'm hoping that will also help to clarify/solidify some of what she knows/doesn't know. In fact it will probably help me too!

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