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I told DS Sid the Science Kid goes to....

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a homeschool group. I really like the show, but hate that my DS4 gets all "I want to go to school!" after seeing it. So I just casually said "Oh, did you know that the group Sid goes to is a Homeschool Group?" He said "JUST LIKE ME!"



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I was just thinking about this yesterday!


It is the new favorite around here. I admit we've only seen a handful of episodes--but from what I've seen it is one of the only kid's shows (Magic School Bus excepted for the most part) that takes place in a school without the 'school' attitudes we're working so hard to avoid! I guess it might be due to the 'science' theme vs the 'socialization' theme that shows like Arthur and Franklin focus on.


Anyway, usually if a show or book makes a big deal about school we just ditch it. I like this show enough to stick it out--and will use the homeschool group idea!

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