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How long did it take you.....


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....to stop curriculum "hopping?" I don't feel like a hopper, but over the years I have changed things looking for just the right "fit." Of course that means different things for different children. What I do know is we love to read, writing is typically fun, but we need things to write about, we love history and science and we like the literature based curriculums best. SL and WP are great and I love the book selections, but I spent lots of time tweaking and when done sold the programs. I am not against textbooks, but I am way past needing them to feel confident in my homeschool.


I think TOG is what I might finally be looking for because I can have both my remaining students on the same topics and I can use it over and over for my younger ds. I like that I can start in the middle of a year to pick up where we left off. I love the book choices and the thorough teacher notes. I love that it seems really meaty for high school and I really want that for 14 yo ds. It almost seems too good to be true and I am wondering why I never looked at it before!


I am going to take the plunge and buy this and I am praying it is as great as I think it is. The reviews from those who love it have been very helpful.

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It has taken me about 5 years to find a good fit for everything.


I found math in K. Phonics/spelling in K. Lapbooks in 2nd and everything else fell into place over the last year.:001_smile:



OK- we are set on our math, we like lapbooks too and I am set on the WTM approach for most stuff. From what I understand TOG is great for WTM/Classical people.

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math: 1 year, although I waivered, left, and returned!


history: 6 years, only b/c I hadn't heard of TOG! Before that, I was very set on SOTW/MOH combo.


early language arts: 9 years only b/c I hadn't heard of PR! Before that, I was settled on RS for 3rd and up from year 3 of hsing.


science: still working on that! I'm never quite happy on this one, although Apologia is a huge part, Noeo a smaller part, there is still no definite Whole.


I can honestly say, by the end of my first child's K-8, which was this past year, I have finally got those years decided solidly, with the exception of still perfecting science! The youngest kids have it the best, that's for sure!

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OK- so I am normal? LOL I just feel like everytime I switch I am thinking "this is the one" ykwim?


math: 1 year, although I waivered, left, and returned!


history: 6 years, only b/c I hadn't heard of TOG! Before that, I was very set on SOTW/MOH combo.


early language arts: 9 years only b/c I hadn't heard of PR! Before that, I was settled on RS for 3rd and up from year 3 of hsing.


science: still working on that! I'm never quite happy on this one, although Apologia is a huge part, Noeo a smaller part, there is still no definite Whole.


I can honestly say, by the end of my first child's K-8, which was this past year, I have finally got those years decided solidly, with the exception of still perfecting science! The youngest kids have it the best, that's for sure!

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Every year is the year I stop curriculum hopping. ;)



Honestly, I don't know that I'll ever stop adjusting. We used Saxon for years and I was going to use it all the way through. But then this year I opted to switch the older one to Teaching Textbooks. So now that's my plan. LOL


I've used VP history for 5 years but now I'm switching for my boys as this year was miserable with them.



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Some subjects (math, science and history), we've used the same stuff for the last three years. Other subjects (language arts), we've switched every year we've homeschooled :glare:. I'm hoping that this year we've finally found what works and I'm happy with. Although I do have to admit that as I look ahead to logic stage, TOG calls to me...

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Some subjects (math, science and history), we've used the same stuff for the last three years. Other subjects (language arts), we've switched every year we've homeschooled :glare:. I'm hoping that this year we've finally found what works and I'm happy with. Although I do have to admit that as I look ahead to logic stage, TOG calls to me...


Language Arts is always tricky for me too. Mainly because it encompasses so much. I did find Spelling Power and will stick with that.

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I'm still looking for "the perfect" history and science. It has been 6 going on 7 years for those. I started writing my own history but I won't get it done in time for school this year. The summer is simply too busy.


Everything else by the end of 3rd grade.

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We're just finishing our 2nd year and I think I've finally figured out everything for grammar stage. I have changed almost every subject once (a couple twice). I think part of starting out is figuring out what works for you, your kids and your family situation... I plan on sticking with what we've got now, especially since a lot of what I've bought is reusable!

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