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Has anyone out there used WWE4 yet? I'd like some feedback...


I started WWE2 with my dd last school year, and now we're about 3/4 through WWE3. I think it has done wonders for this kid's attention to detail when writing - before it seemed she could spell and pay attention to mechanics when looking at them independently, but try to do it while writing a sentence - it just fell apart. Now, she can spell, punctuate and capitalize while writing so that I no longer faint in horror at the sight.


I had been planning on doing WWE4 with her next year. However, I just had a chance to look at the workbook at B&N, and I'm thinking I might not. Tell me if my thinking is straight here... WWE4 seems to be working mostly on getting the kid to write their narrations independently. In WWE3, the child is supposed to dictate the narration to the parent on day 1, and then again on day 3, the difference being that on day 3 the parent dictates it back to the student to write down. From what I saw of WWE4, it has both day 1 and 4 be dictation to the parent and then back to the student, and by the end of the book, they're writing it themselves.


Well, my dd's been writing all the narrations independently since the end of WWE2. Both days. She has no problem doing this - she asked to do it, did it well, so I let her. Is there any reason we need to go through WWE4 - is there some other skill it hones I'm overlooking? The problems I was looking to solve by using WWE (remembering proper spelling/mechanics while writing) have pretty much been solved. And she no longer likes doing WWE (she used to). Do I have permission to quit??

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We're half way through WWE3 so keep that in mind ha ha ha. My first guess says for you to not do WWE4. My 2nd thought was to give her the end of the year assessment for WWE4 (found in the small hardbound textbook) and see how she does.


Ooo... that is a good idea. I've gotten that from the library before, but don't have it here to reference now. Guess I should be getting it out again!

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My 9.5 y/o is in a similar place. He is 1/2 way through WWE3 as well. He also can write his own narrations and does really well with dictation. I contemplated moving him into logic stage writing suggestions per SWB, but I think we'll do WWE4... slowly transitioning maybe the latter part of 4th grade this next year.


Here's my reasoning.... sometimes I think, since my kids **can** do something that we need to move onto the next step right away. I forget that sometimes they just need to be able to stay at a stage where they feel capable for awhile. Now, if it becomes drudgery it's certainly time to introduce something new... but I think it's okay to let them hang out for a bit at a level they can do. Also, I need to keep in mind what they are doing in their other subjects. If there's a steep learning curve in say, math... it might be nice to hang out at an "easier" place in writing until the math settles down a bit. I don't think extra time spent in narration would be a waste.


We are going to do only even lessons from here on out in WWE3... then we'll start WWE4. We may end up only doing even lessons the 2nd half of that as well as we transition to logic stage writing....


Anyway... just some things to consider....

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Is this the assessment that you are looking for? This is what I used to determine placement level for my son.





Thank you thank you thank you!! Because when I went to request the text via ILL, it turns out the only copy in the consortium, the same one I read a few months ago, has been LOST! :eek:

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Here's my reasoning.... sometimes I think, since my kids **can** do something that we need to move onto the next step right away. I forget that sometimes they just need to be able to stay at a stage where they feel capable for awhile. Now, if it becomes drudgery it's certainly time to introduce something new...


Actually, I think it's the drudgery part that's making me think of dropping it. I was fully planning on doing WWE4. She used to love doing WWE2. Somewhere partway through WWE3 things changed; now she begs not to do it. If she hadn't started complaining so much, I wouldn't have even thought to drop it. (I also wouldn't drop it if I felt there were new skills in the next book for her to master - which I had assumed there were, till I looked at the book the other day). I'm going to make her finish WWE3, at any rate... I do have a lot of other things for her to do; I'm starting to think I should come at things from a different angle to keep it fresh.


And I'll have her take that test, just to make sure.

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You are very welcome! I'm glad that it was what you were looking for.

I wish that I was where you are right now. My 9yo son is a VERY reluctant writer. I found out about WWE this spring and started him in level 2. His narrations have greatly improved and his dictations are slightly better, but still not without great effort and complaint. We struggled through a dictation lesson yesterday. He doesn't mind the narrations; it is the physical act of writing that he dislikes so much. I was watching him and he actually had to pause to figure out which way to make a letter "b". Maybe I just haven't pushed him to write enough. ? I wouldn't think that it would still be an issue at this point. He reads very well and this is our only problem with school. We will just keep moving along. I hope to eventually reach the point where your daughter is, where he can write his narrations without difficulty. Onward we go......

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