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CC foundations and science

Chez J

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Those who have been through cycle 2 foundations before, what did you use for science as a text/spine? I love the apologia young explorers books, but she hasn't published physics yet.


What do you suggest?





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I collected some resources just to flush the science topic out a bit. I picked up most of them at 1/2 Price Books.


DK Children's Night Sky Atlas

Find the Constellations

Night Science for Kids

and other misc astronomy books and a good telescope


A Beka Matter and Motion

biography of Newton to use as a read aloud


I have the 201 Science Experiments book that I can maybe use for more than just tutoring. And I have a great science encyclopedia and dictionary.


Finally I found a GORGEOUS Ecology book that I will use during that time.


I hope it's enough.:001_huh::D

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I had already planned on doing God's Design for Science curriculum by AiG before I knew that we'll be participating in a new CC community in our area that starts this fall, so I'm no expert here, but... I believe that starting w/God's Design for Heaven and Earth will compliment what we'll be learning in Cycle 2 quite nicely. I just posted about it in this thread here if anyone is interested.


:001_smile: Melissa

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got my Foundations guide today! I think I will plan on using TWTM methodology applied to the science topic for the week. What I am not sure about is whether we should study the topic on the same week as CC which is Thursday, or allow CC to introduce the topic and then study it further he next week. Any suggestions?


I'm hoping this works well - My oldest had two years of successful science and the past 4 years have been next to nothing, at least formally. I have by default, taken the VP approach to science in the grammar years!


Does anyone know if the Van Cleave Science Experiments correlate to the science topic for the week? I see that the science activities don't exactly line up - but I can work with that. Checking now to see if I can get the experiment book from the library.


Would love to get my hands on the living book list. i.love.lucy, can you share the title of your ecology book??

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I did CC last year but didn't really relate CC to our other work. Plan to match up CC and our work this year. I got Apologia Astronomy to do and will try to do it in 14 weeks. I was also wondering what to do for the rest of the year to go along with CC. Thanks for the recommendations. I did enjoy Answers in Genesis Life science last year....will have to check out what they have.

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There is a resource listed in the file sharing area of CC Connected. It is a PDF you can download and included readers and reference books to go along with the science in Cycle 2. It is the"FoundationsCyleResourceList.pdf. It has a resources like Usborne and Magic Schoolbus listed by weeks.

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I'm thinking of doing some of the Answers in Genesis God's Design series, also. I'm looking at Our Universe (astronomy) for fall and Our Planet Earth (ecology but also references to physics) in winter/spring. I think this will fall in nicely with CC but also allow for our own study time.

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BTW -- I have made a weekly schedule for CC, SOTW 2, Usborne, and the Answers in Genesis science stuff. This is for the year, for a second grader. If anyone would like a copy which they may tweak for themselves, feel free to send me a PM.

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