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Juice Plus ????

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I know so many HS moms who are into Juice Plus.


I have been to several seminars/healthy lifestyle talks, both held in the homes of JP Reps, who are also friends, who basically gave a little healthy eating speil and showed a JP dvd, and have also went to a few where a Dr. that we personally use and LOVE (our Ped) talked about healthy eating and then JP.


I am a skeptic by nature, but JP seems right to me. But then I read about online and there's alot of negative stuff out there. I know there will always be the nay-sayers.


So I thought I would put it out here, to people that I "trust", so to speak...and see what you have to say about JP...if you have personally experience it as a customer and/or Rep.



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Well, neither a customer nor a rep here, but I thought I'd tell you what I've experienced.


My chiropractor is a neighbor and friend that I trust implicitly, and I use the Standard Process products that he sells. I asked him about JP when my sister started selling it, and he said that he likes it as well as Standard except for the automatic shipping they do.


My sister LOVES JP and truly believes in its quality and benefits.


So, that's what I know about it!



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My mom swears by it, but there are other whole food multivitamins/supplements that I think are probably just as good. Someone here, I think, linked to one that seemed to have identical ingredients for less! Sam's Club sells something similar, too. Dr. Sears also touts the benefitsof JP on his website. It's hard to discount those who swear by their supposed great results. I know that I do feel better when on my whole food supplement, so I always say to try it if your dr. says OK! Yes, the marketing/selling aspect always causes me to be a doubter at first, though. ;)

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all I know is that my kids were getting sick a lot. after we started taking JP, they didn't get sick for nearly 2 years, and even then, we haven't been very sick.


Same for our family. But, the big plus is I went on it and went off of allergy products. I think we have been on for seven years and cannot find a better product.

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There is so much hype about it it because it is a MLM product. People go on about it because they sign up to get it cheaper themselves, and then they get money if they can get you to sign up too.


You cannot get the benefit of 17 fruits and vegetables in a capsule, sorry. There is a lot more to living food than that.

You can get some benefit and if your diet is poor, especially in fresh fruits and vegetables, yes, it will be of some benefit because it will have nutrients in it you are lacking.


I would look for an equivalent product that is not multi level marketed. It will be half the price, and a fraction of the hype.


And/or, buy a juicer and enjoy making fresh juices. And/or, eat more freuit and veg!


If you have a kid that refuses to eat fruit or veg, and I know some do- go for it. I dont like supporting MLMs though. YOu are paying top dollar for a product you dont really need, that goes to making other people wealthy by telling you you need it. And- I am a supplement junkie, I can assure you.


(ok, and I am a bit cynical :) )

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There is so much hype about it it because it is a MLM product. People go on about it because they sign up to get it cheaper themselves, and then they get money if they can get you to sign up too.


You cannot get the benefit of 17 fruits and vegetables in a capsule, sorry. There is a lot more to living food than that.

You can get some benefit and if your diet is poor, especially in fresh fruits and vegetables, yes, it will be of some benefit because it will have nutrients in it you are lacking.


I would look for an equivalent product that is not multi level marketed. It will be half the price, and a fraction of the hype.


And/or, buy a juicer and enjoy making fresh juices. And/or, eat more freuit and veg!


If you have a kid that refuses to eat fruit or veg, and I know some do- go for it. I dont like supporting MLMs though. YOu are paying top dollar for a product you dont really need, that goes to making other people wealthy by telling you you need it. And- I am a supplement junkie, I can assure you.


(ok, and I am a bit cynical :) )



I don't distribute it. I just buy it as a product, from a website.

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