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Where to start MCT with an accelerated 5th grader

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I think we're going to take the plunge and switch over to MCT. I have a bright, language oriented rising 5th grader. He remembers everything I teach him (only have to tell him once)! I feel that we need to move beyond and take a break from FLL/WWE although they've worked very well for him. He scored in the 99th percentile in Reading and Language on the ITBS he took this year.


So, what level do we start with? Town or Voyage? I feel that I've slowed him down so much in the past and it's time to bump it up a notch and really challenge him.


FYI: We finished FLL 3 this past school year and started a quick race through FLL 4. He seems to already know it all, but I'm still going to try to finish it before we officially start 5th grade.



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I would definitely say Town unless your DC is a highly gifted writer, writes excellent sentences and paragraphs and is ready to write high school level essays. I've read of folks starting 7th-8th graders in Voyage only to drop down to Town. I think you can do a lot w/ Town writing in history and literature and science. I'll be doing Town w/ my 5th grader. I think all agree that the grammar etc is the easy part of the program and to judge level based on how good a writer your DC is instead of the grammar.

Edited by Capt_Uhura
substituted Town for Voyage
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:iagree: I did Island this year w/a highly accelerated 3rd grader (scores > 99% on open ended achievement testing, reads and spells at high school level) and it was plenty for us. It's easy to add in more writing applying the new knowledge. Especially coming from FLL, I think it will be a good transition! CE would be a challenge for many high school students! This is a program where it's definitely better to start too low than too high IMHO and choosing based on writing level is the way to go to get the full benefit. You will still be well poised to continue on with the program doing a level per year. And I liked the comment that said the worst that will happen is you'll need to move to the next level before the year is out!

Edited by kck
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I appreciate all the replies! I have just about decided on Town. However, I just ran across Cathy Duffy's review and she said:


Despite the grade level recommendations, I would suggest starting at the beginning of the series in most situations since there is a cumulative “building†process that occurs with these books that might be difficult to plug into midstream.


Do you agree? Should I back up even farther to Island?

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I appreciate all the replies! I have just about decided on Town. However, I just ran across Cathy Duffy's review and she said:




Do you agree? Should I back up even farther to Island?


Not unless you really want to! Getting through FLL4 should be plenty of background to succeed in MCT Town level. Island was really fun to go through, but I don't think it's necessary for you!

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That was one thing that popped out at me as wrong in her review.


I think that it is best if you start from the beginning, mostly because Island level is fun, but only if it is the right level for the age/ability... it is not necessary to the program being successful. If your kid were on the cusp between Island & Town, that might be a reason for choosing Island level.


You will not regret choosing Town level, due to age, and what you explained about your son.


I don't know Cathy Duffy said that. It seems like it might turn some people off, thinking that they should start at the beginning... that would get expensive!! I know that older kids can really learn a lot from Island, and have a great time... but Town is a better place for anyone 5th+



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Regarding Cathy Duffy's review and the recommendation to start from the beginning. This is what she says: ," I would suggest starting at the beginning of the series in most situations since there is a cumulative “building†process that occurs with these books that might be difficult to plug into midstream."

The key phrase is 'most situations' with the 'building process' most applying to the secondary vocabulary (Word Within the Word) and grammar books (Magic Lens). At the earlier stages, it is quite OK to start at an appropriate age/grade level.

RFWP says: For children who would be in grades 3 through 5, it is most often appropriate to introduce them to materials at their grade level.





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