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Ear Infection

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8yos was diagnosed with an ear infection in his right ear on Tuesday. The Dr. said his left ear looked fine. She prescribed amoxicillin but said we could wait to use it if we wanted to, to see if it was necessary. I told her we'd go ahead and take it, as he couldn't sleep the night before and was crying from pain. She also gave us ear drops for him for Swimmers Ear, which ds HATES and I only gave him one dose. Now the ear that was fine on Tuesday (according to the Dr.) is draining (white and yellow drainage), he says it hurts very badly and he can't hear out of that ear at all.


Do you think I should make another appointment for him? I really don't want to take him back if it's not needed- he can't stand for the Dr. to look in his ears right now.

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I believe in pediatric doctors for little kids... based on our bad experience with a general DR. Also note that you can get ear drops for ear pain.. although once ruptured, I don't know that you can use them.


I know that sometimes they can ooze and be ok... but if it were me... I'd be back at the Drs... and if I could get an appt with the specialist... well... that's the path I take.



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What type of ear infection did he have? Swimmer's ear is an outer ear infection. If he had that in his other ear, I would try the drops for a day or so. If he had a middle ear infection and the doctor gave you numbing drops, I would go in and make sure the ear drum hasn't ruptured. I would not use the drops in that case because the drops could cause horrible pain.

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Swimmers Ear AND a middle ear infection.



He needs to be seen *today*. Perferabally by a pedi ENT if at all possible. When I had some serious problems with my tonsils (at age 18) my Mom called the ENT and I was able to be seen *that day*.


:grouphug: to you and your little one

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He needs to be seen *today*. Perferabally by a pedi ENT if at all possible. When I had some serious problems with my tonsils (at age 18) my Mom called the ENT and I was able to be seen *that day*.


:grouphug: to you and your little one



I can't just take him in to the ENT, we have to be referred. I may just take him to the ER though, and maybe an ENT could see him there in the ER.

Thanks so much for the input.

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I can't just take him in to the ENT, we have to be referred. I may just take him to the ER though, and maybe an ENT could see him there in the ER.

Thanks so much for the input.


*sigh* insurance companies, I can understand the feeling.


Yes, you will see an ENT in the ER. When I first had trouble with my tonsils, an ENT saw me. I had an abssess the size of a half dollar on EACH of my tonsils. They were not that big when I first landed in the ER, so they placed me on some strong meds and sent me on my way. I was in the ENT the next day, that night, I was having my tonsils out.


Ear infections can hurt, and hurt a lot, I can not blame him for not wanting anyone to look at them. I hope he feels better soon!

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My dd ruptured her eardrum a few months ago. I took her to her ped. and she gave us antibiotic drops for the infection that had caused the rupture. she old us to follow up with an ENT because the hole was rather large. Dd had a surgery for a perforation 2 years ago and the ENT says she will very likely need it again, but it will be months before we should have it done.


I am telling all that to say the main thing now it to treat the infection and help you child feel better. If anything further needs to be done, it will be after the infection is gone. The ped or instant care should be fine today, i would not go to the ER unless there is blood coming from the ear.

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Advice from a hearing aid wearer with *constant* outer ear canal infections from living in Texas and sweating with my ears plugged up with ear molds all summer and very cautious about putting *anything* in my ears for fear of damaging what little hearing I have left:


I would *not* use drops for an outer ear canal infection unless you are sure the ear drum is intact. Some of those medications can ottotoxic (will damage hearing) if administered with a ruptured ear drum.


With the drainage I would take him in.

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