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Book Storage

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Everywhere lol. I have two two bookcases in my computer room/den. Plus a 'china cabinet' that I took over for school stuff, and some of the school books are on one of those shelves. Plus I have a big bin filled with little kids books for my four year old sitting in the living room. Who also has some of his books in his bedroom, in 'pockets' of his rocking chair. I also have a book case full of my personal reading books in my bedroom, stacked every which way. We have a few books in the bathroom (well, my husband and daughter do, anyway lol). My daughters each have books in their bedrooms, too. I'm running out of room for books!


I have such a hard time parting with my books. But periodically I just have to. I give them to my mother who either donates them to a 'books for soldiers' type cause or puts them on paperbackswap. Then I have room for more books- usually obtained through yard sales, thrift stores, and library used book sales.

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We are a book loving family, and it shows.


We have four 6ft tall book cases in our school area, one shorter one in our entryway, four shorter ones in the girls room, and six 6ft ones in my dh's office. They are all full, and I could use a few more. That's not to mention the books scattered about in end tables, night stands, desks, etc. Oh, and I have a giant tub in a closet full of school books for future use. :lol:

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I have a book hating hubby. :svengo: So we have 2 book shelves, one in each bedroom and then the girl has a small book shelf in her room. He was happy when he had whittled me to no book shelves :blink: But I rebelled and have two full size ones and two half ones now. The second half one is a basket holder with pretty knick-knacks on it so it's camouflaged as a pretty and not as a bookshelf.:001_tt2:


Her shelf has all the baby books,kiddie stuff, and poetry. One boy shelf (full size) has the science books, English/writing/art, and references and the other book shelf has the history/bible/fiction section. And those combos were chosen based on the number of books in each category and how they would fit on the shelf together. All the textbooks/teacher manuals/future books waiting for use are on the upper shelf in one kid's closet. Current te books/textbooks/references are in a basket for each kid on our basket shelf and/or in a basket by their desk.


Then I have a secret storage spot off of the frog room upstairs. In it all the record keeping and all the manuals and books that we have used with one child but I'm not completely convinced I will use them again. thankfully that is a small box. Along with all of our college textbooks and computer software manuals.


He's excited about the ebook stuff but very disgusted at the idea of buying a machine that ONLY reads books. :D

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I have lots of books - but only one small bookshelf. Books get piled up on every available surface around here - and some that are unavailable...or should be. :tongue_smilie:


There are books on top of my plastic rolling cabinets, on the end tables, piled on the floor, downstairs in boxes, on the couch, under the couch, in ds11's wagon, on top of the printer, under beds, in dresser drawers, in closets, on the bathroom shelf, beside the bunny cage, on top of dh's video game cabinet, on and under the cat house, up in the hall closet with the mittens, in the kitchen cabinets, and so on. You'd be hard pressed to find an area of the house that doesn't have some books laying around in it.


Of course...when I want a specific one, it takes me forever to actually FIND it. :laugh:

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We are making a library/school room! I'm buying a bunch of the $15 shelves from Wal Mart. They are about 4 foot high. I don't like the really tall ones....I prefer the half ones so that I can set decorative stuff on top of them, or ant farms, or favorite books on a small easel. Plus, I can hang stuff on the walls over them. I'll have a place for the kids artwork, a place for a large map, etc. I'll line the walls with these shelves and then put a table in the middle of the room. I'm so excited! We have a three bedroom house and this used to be the guest room. But I got so tired of having a room that was only used once or twice a year and then it just sat there the rest of the time. So we are buying a full bed to keep in the closet and we will pull it out when needed.


Right now I have books in boxes in my closet, books in bins in the kids playroom, school books on a shelf in the office, and extra school books in a closet. They are everywhere, and most are not very accessible. I want to be able to access them more, hence, the library.

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