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Achievement testing advice/help....Homeschooling in OHIO

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I just received our results from the CAT test for my 2 dc. Ds13 did very well no issues. My dd8 did very well on everything except Math Comp. She received a 16 Percentile score.....the state requires 25. Her average overall in math is 42 percentile which is over the requirement but not sure if they will look in detail at the breakdown. She score over 60 percentile in every other part of the test.


She has struggled in math from day one....it is not her favorite subject either. We decided not to do mult./div. this year because we felt she need to concentrate on the add/sub more. I am not sure if that is the problem or not but those were the only problems she did not do.


My questions.......Do we work with her over the next month and then retest (ugh!)? Should we submit her placement test with the achievement test to show that the curriculum we are using suggests 3rd grade?


I am stuck and not sure who I can even talk to in our area for suggestions without opening a can of worms. Our public schools don't even test until 3rd grade but they require either testing or portfolio review. I am not sure we have what we would need for a portfolio review?!?!


Anyhow - if someone could give me some advice - I would greatly appreciate it! Anyone in Ohio (or another state with similar laws) who has been through this similar situation would be great also!


Thanks in advance!

Edited by bearnpurple
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I don;t know if you can do this in Ohio but what I do is get a photocopy of the test and only show composite score or if necessary, a composite score plus the math total score, the reading total score and the language arts total score. I don't show individual part scores. In Florida, I sent the test results to an evaluator who used it to write a letter saying she has progressed adequately. THis is for my dds who can't spell and gets a low percentage on spelling if we do that test. I would read the law and see which scores are actually needed. Usually it is the core score or the composite score. Generally it is not the individual test score.

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I just received our results from the CAT test for my 2 dc. Ds13 did very well no issues. My ds8 did very well on everything except Math Comp. She received a 16 Percentile score.....the state requires 25. Her average overall in math is 42 percentile which is over the requirement but not sure if they will look in detail at the breakdown. She score over 60 percentile in every other part of the test.


She has struggled in math from day one....it is not her favorite subject either. We decided not to do mult./div. this year because we felt she need to concentrate on the add/sub more. I am not sure if that is the problem or not but those were the only problems she did not do.


My questions.......Do we work with her over the next month and then retest (ugh!)? Should we submit her placement test with the achievement test to show that the curriculum we are using suggests 3rd grade?


I am stuck and not sure who I can even talk to in our area for suggestions without opening a can of worms. Our public schools don't even test until 3rd grade but they require either testing or portfolio review. I am not sure we have what we would need for a portfolio review?!?!


Anyhow - if someone could give me some advice - I would greatly appreciate it! Anyone in Ohio (or another state with similar laws) who has been through this similar situation would be great also!


Thanks in advance!



Her scores would probably increase enough if you simply taught her the basic times tables and division tables. Could you do that in a month? Can she memorize or can you teach her tricks or that it is multiple adding?

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The language of the Ohio law is as follows:


"Any child that has a composite score at or above the twenty-fifth percentile shall be deemed to be performing at a level of reasonable proficiency."


This form, which is from the Christian Home Educators of Ohio website, meets the minimum requirements of the law. You may handwrite the composite score and need not submit an official copy with subscores. http://www.cheohome.org/images/stories/pdf/academicassessmentreport1.pdf


This is one area where I've always provided only the minimum requested. I've never given anything other than a handwritten composite. It has been accepted by both one rural and one suburban school district.



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The language of the Ohio law is as follows:


"Any child that has a composite score at or above the twenty-fifth percentile shall be deemed to be performing at a level of reasonable proficiency."


This form, which is from the Christian Home Educators of Ohio website, meets the minimum requirements of the law. You may handwrite the composite score and need not submit an official copy with subscores. http://www.cheohome.org/images/stories/pdf/academicassessmentreport1.pdf


This is one area where I've always provided only the minimum requested. I've never given anything other than a handwritten composite. It has been accepted by both one rural and one suburban school district.




Okay - it is late but let me see that I understand this.....


I can just write/type in the composite score and not send a copy of the actual results (which are broken down into subsections)? WOW...guess I missed that boat the last 4 years!


I am like you....I like to only give them the minimum so the least amount of questions come about. Although, praise God, I have never been questioned but I don't want them to start now!


My children are not real good test takers but I make them because of college. I figure it is better to give them a little each year rather than spring it on them at college time. They complain but usually do well. Unfortunately, we knew this could be a problem with dc#2 because of her math. I think she will be like my oldest and the light bulb will go off one day (it took him until 4th grade!).

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I've never used anything except the CHEO form, which I print off each year. That group is very trustworthy regarding its knowledge of the Ohio laws. I suspect that if you've been doing this for four years without question, your school disctrict won't even bat an eye. Even if you use the CHEO form and they later ask for a verified copy (not required by law, but perhaps not unreasonable), you can block out everything but the composite. It's the only relevant score for purposes of OH law. I really don't think you'll have a problem.


If you want to keep up with your practice of providing the actual results, you still should have no problem. You may have to remind them of the law if they question the subscore, but if your district is reasonably sophisticated about application of the law/homeschool friendly, they probably won't do anything. If your district is hostile to homeschoolers, you may have to argue with them a bit :-/



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I have photocopied my actual test result with a piece of paper over the subtesting, only leaving the composite score.


My kids practically ace those tests, so I have no fear of them seeing anything, but on principle of following the law and the minimum requirements, I do it that way. If it is composite score only (which it is) that is all they will get from me.


If you have always shown the whole thing, they may ask for the whole thing (you never know) so be prepared to state that the rules and regs state you only need the composite score and that you didn't realize that until recently.


Good luck! it is not a problem! :D

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I don;t know if you can do this in Ohio but what I do is get a photocopy of the test and only show composite score or if necessary, a composite score plus the math total score, the reading total score and the language arts total score. I don't show individual part scores. In Florida, I sent the test results to an evaluator who used it to write a letter saying she has progressed adequately. THis is for my dds who can't spell and gets a low percentage on spelling if we do that test. I would read the law and see which scores are actually needed. Usually it is the core score or the composite score. Generally it is not the individual test score.


:iagree: and I'm in Ohio. If you don't have a separate reporting sheet with only the composites, mask the rest of the page and make a copy with only the relevant parts showing. The individual parts are for your use to know what to work on.

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The language of the Ohio law is as follows:


"Any child that has a composite score at or above the twenty-fifth percentile shall be deemed to be performing at a level of reasonable proficiency."


This form, which is from the Christian Home Educators of Ohio website, meets the minimum requirements of the law. You may handwrite the composite score and need not submit an official copy with subscores. http://www.cheohome.org/images/stories/pdf/academicassessmentreport1.pdf


This is one area where I've always provided only the minimum requested. I've never given anything other than a handwritten composite. It has been accepted by both one rural and one suburban school district.






If they do ask for a copy, cover everything but the composite score and photocopy it. If they ask for more than that, refuse.

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Okay - it is late but let me see that I understand this.....


I can just write/type in the composite score and not send a copy of the actual results (which are broken down into subsections)? WOW...guess I missed that boat the last 4 years!


I am like you....I like to only give them the minimum so the least amount of questions come about. Although, praise God, I have never been questioned but I don't want them to start now!


My children are not real good test takers but I make them because of college. I figure it is better to give them a little each year rather than spring it on them at college time. They complain but usually do well. Unfortunately, we knew this could be a problem with dc#2 because of her math. I think she will be like my oldest and the light bulb will go off one day (it took him until 4th grade!).



Thanks to all who replied....you guys are great!


I checked the Testing Results sheet they sent me and there is no composite score. It only lists them by each category. I think I am going to call CLP and see what they suggest. I could average it out and write it in the CHEO form and then attach the results showing the Raw Score and Grade Equivalent only. That might satisfy them; especially if I do the same with my son's scores.





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Maybe it is not called a "composite" score, but there should be an overall score. I can't think of any of the nationally normed tests that don't have one, but I don't know everything. :001_smile:


What test did you use? Who did you go through?


Hmmmm... curious.


HOWEVER.... it doesn't really matter, as it is not 25th%ile and above in every category, but overall score.. so if they even tried to deny you, they couldn't. I doubt they will even look at it.

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We went through Christian Liberty Press.....they send the scores broken down by subject/section such as a score for Reading Vocabulary then Reading Comprehension. There is no "overall" or "total" or "Composite" score listed on the letter with the results......never thought about it before, I guess. I may just average out all the Percentile scores and use that as a composite.....


We have always went through them because they are the most reasonably priced and seem to be very quick in sending us the scores.

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We went through Christian Liberty Press.....they send the scores broken down by subject/section such as a score for Reading Vocabulary then Reading Comprehension. There is no "overall" or "total" or "Composite" score listed on the letter with the results......never thought about it before, I guess. I may just average out all the Percentile scores and use that as a composite.....


We have always went through them because they are the most reasonably priced and seem to be very quick in sending us the scores.


But what actual TEST did you use? CAT? IOWA?

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Thank you all! I just got off the phone with Christian Liberty Press and they are going to send me a new letterhead with the composite score listed for each child (at no charge). He told me they have more requests for individual scores than composites which is why they stopped doing both. ???


Anyway - thank you all for the support and suggestions. I may check into Seton next year just so I don't have to go through this again.


Have a great weekend!

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