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homeschooling summer reading list

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Now that summer is here, I can get started on fat stack of books about homeschooling, child development, teaching skills, educational philosophy, etc., to prepare me for the year(s?!) ahead. So, what are your favorite homeschooling/teaching books? I've read the WTM, The Charlotte Mason Companion, Family Matters, and just got Dumbing Us Down from the library. I'm more interested in books that will help me be a better teacher to my little ones at this point.


Thanks. :)

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The Wholehearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson (may be OOP)

What Smart Students Know by Adam Robinson

Nebel's Elementary Education: Creating a Tapestry of Learning by Bernard J. Nebel

Using Science Notebooks in Middle School by Klentschy

Nurturing Inquiry: Real Science for the Elementary Classroom by Charles R. Pearce

The Complete Handbook of Science Fair Projects by Julianne Blair Bochinski

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For the 5 and under crowd, I would focus on these:


Ruth Beechick - definitely the 3Rs


Charlotte Mason - and read more about it at Ambleside online


a book or two on Montessori - Hainstock's are good


Doug Wilson - Classical Education and the Homeschool


Teaching the Trivium - just the parts that pertain to age 10 and under for now


The Seven Laws of Teaching - I read it every year as I get ready for the year

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Well, my reading runs along the lines of:


Better Late Than Early (by the Moores, whose parenting advice I am not in agreement with but whose educational advice I enjoy and like to think about)


Reclaiming Childhood (William Crain)


The Unschooling Handbook (Mary Griffith)


...stuff that favors a more relaxed approach and/or a delayed approach to academics. It might not be your 'thing' but I think it's nice to get that sort of viewpoint too as maybe you'll find a balance of your own somewhere in there :)

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What a lot of fun-looking titles, Techwife!


JoMama, Deconstructing Penguins has been on my list for a while, but I might wait till next summer, before my oldest goes into second grade. *sigh* I have to be realistic about how many books I can cram into one summer!


I'll definitely add Seven Laws of Teaching to my list, and try to get in at least one book from each of the various educational philosophies: classical, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, Montessori.


Does anyone have any books to recommend about teaching math (besides the Liping Ma one that I've already read :D) and writing?

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Does anyone have any books to recommend about teaching math (besides the Liping Ma one that I've already read :D) and writing?




Marilyn Burns writes some of the most terrific books on teaching math EVER. The ones on using questions and discussion in the math classroom are great. Any of the lesson replacement units are wonderful because they give specific examples of how to move away from workbook/drill/test and engage students in problem-solving activities and thinking, and then incorporate more conventional math into that.


I also like Overcoming Math Anxiety by Sheila Tobias. And one of my favorite books -- which I frustratingly can't find at the moment -- is a book about the original Boston Math Circle and how its teachers approached math for young children. (This is NOT a book about math competitions.)


Also, it's mind-opening to compare Japanese, German, and American methods in teaching math in The Teaching Gap by james Stigler.

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