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DH wants to take a family trip to Africa next summer...

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This trip would be specifically to Uganda.


I went to Uganda 2 years ago and I was planning on going back next summer. I work with an organization that provides teacher training and I also support a childrens home (orphanage) there also.


DH informed me this past weekend that he wants the WHOLE family to go next summer... this would include youngest dd who would be 9, middle dd who would be 18 and will have just graduated from our homeschool, oldest dd 20 who is a photography major and would be starting her 3rd year in college.


We also have friends who are moving there next week to work with a water-well drilling ministry.


I'm not worried about our safety--as I felt very secure there on my previous trip (our escorts were awesome!). I am worried about what the rest of my family will DO while I hold my seminars... I know youngest dd is welcome to attend one of the private schools I will be working with (very secure environment) but what of the rest of the family...


We have almost too many choices and directions this trip can go. Our contacts can take us to remote villages to deliver clothing and medical supplies, schools where we can play with the children, drilling sites where we can lend a hand (Dh has some experience in this area)...we can go on safari....


Do we want to provide 'humanitarian aid' or do we want to go as sightseers?


We need to decide the PURPOSE for the trip... and start planning.


To add to our choices there are a few local groups going next summer that we have been invited to go along with--but this would be a completely scheduled 'working' trip---not sure if this is what DH had in mind.


I 'think' DH wants to expose older dds to a third world country and help them see a bigger picture...


Any thoughts or suggestions to my wild rambles?

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I'm sitting in a QUIET house eating a freshly grilled rib-eye steak... pondering our family's future... and thinking about making some homemade chocolate ice cream (we have a personal size maker)...


I did clean the kitchen counters before my nap though.. and I plan to take the dogs for a walk to get the mail (1 mile round trip) in about an hour...

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We support an orphanage in Uganda, although neither of us has been to Africa at all. My cousin is a missionary in Dar es Salaam. I would like to visit my cousin, dh wants to go to Uganda also, but I am not sure about that.


We would be spending money that we had saved to go to Greece, but we are thinking that as the kids get older we are running out of opportunities to take them to Africa, which was something we always meant to do.


I'm interested in the answers you get.

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My niece and my sister (who is a physician) just returned from a trip to Tanzania. They cannot stop talking about it - they stayed in a hostel and worked at an orphanage during the day.


We had dinner over the weekend with friends who had taken a two week photography safari in Tanzania - their photos were magnificent, the trip sounded unbelievable.


I guess you have some choices to make - I will be interested in hearing them -- dh and I talked about a trip to Africa.........I guess we would be doing something similar to what my niece did there, but we would love to do the Serengeti trip as well.

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I'm not sure I have too much direction, but it seems that God is really leading me....there was a presentation at our church on Sunday about the team from our church that went on a medical missions trip to- UGANDA. That service affected me so much. SOOO MUCH.

That said, I would definitely insert something your youngest could do- hand out supplies? be with other children? Honestly, all that you mentioned just seems spot on....maybe plan that safari on the way out of the country?

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She has been invited to 'visit' the school at the childrens home I'm associated with. Since all of the children speak English she will not have a language issue (English is the official language in Uganda and all education must be in English). So dd can stay at the childrens home if the rest of us want to go to a remote village that might be too much for her to take in/process... as it is she will see plenty of poverty--and THOUSANDS of happy content people...who have absolutely NOTHING---she is already planning a clothing drive among her friends...

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Here are two of my favorite pictures from my last trip.

This first woman was very special to me. We met in a remote village at the first service of a new church. She gathered a group of older women together and they prayed over me.... I still cry when I think of that blessing!



This next picture is of a boy from the childrens home I'm associated with. http://www.ugandaorphans.org



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