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Motivation to declutter an extra room and turn it into "school room"

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I know I am 16, and too old to need a school room, but I think it would be awesome to have a little study. The extra room is right off of mine. It is connected by a door. Anyways, my sister moved out months ago and her room has collected lots and lots of junk. There are two twin beds in there and they are piled high with clothes and junk. Her closet is atrocious.


My mother has given me the go ahead to clean it all up and turn it into a study for myself. Does anyone know if the goodwill trucks come to homes for free?


Also, any effective tips on sorting. We are low on boxes and trash bags. Obviously, I will need them, but for now, how would you sort and such? Most clothes we are getting rid of but there is also a lot of junk. Walking in there overwhelms me. I have tried 3 times today already. Help


Edited by BeatleMania
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I am in a HUGE decluttering mode myself right now. I have simply thrown LOTS of stuff away. I don't know exactly what you mean by "junk," but would it be possible/desirable to have a garage sale?


We have a not-for-profit that takes almost anything. However, they will only pick up large items such as furniture. Other than clothing, I don't do much sorting of things I take there.


I would probably try and work on time. Set a timer and work fast and furious for about 30 minutes. Try to do this 3 times per day. Boxes can often be obtained from liquor stores (maybe one of your parents would pick some up for you?). As far as sorting, I would have piles of keep, give away, sell, or trash. Just start in one spot and work your way around the room.


While you're working think about what you'd like to have in your study and how you would like it arranged in the room. I think having a study space is a great idea. I would imagine you would want a desk and chair, a bookshelf, and a nice, cozy chair for reading with a lamp. Hopefully, thinking about the end result will keep you motivated to carry on. It can get tedious.


All the best!


And, btw, I am enjoying having a student on our forums. I'm glad you are here.

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I agree, a timer is a great way to get motivated! Maybe start with a few big garbage bags and just start tossing, either donate or trash or keep. If when it goes off you want to keep working, feel free!


It is a whole lot easier to do with someone else's stuff than your own. My SIL and I worked very quickly through my mom's things when they were downsizing.


I think a dedicated space where you can be organized is a great idea! Plus it would allow you to keep your bedroom more relaxed, which is better for sleeping anyway.

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Amvets does pick-ups.


Start with a small area that you can successfully clear, even if it is a square foot and let that be a victory! Claim it from the clutter and then hold the line and expand it.


Bit by bit, your "claimed from clutter" area will grow and grow!


Get to a grocery store and ask for free boxes. Or you can try a pizzeria -- the boxes cheese comes in are great!


Best wishes! Come back here for encouragement!



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