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Natural Progesterone Cream - Do you use it?

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So, I'm reading the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause. I'm only in the very beginning chapters. Everything I'm reading indicates that natural progesterone cream may be the cure all for 5 of my 7 diseases/conditions/disorders, and may even help the other two.


If you have started using the NPC, how do you figure out how much you need? This book says that tests are basically useless because levels can change from day to day. The book has guidelines for various groups, but there are not guideline for the group of for 43-year old homeschooling women living in Maine with these specific diseases/conditions/disorders.


Is there a brand of NPC that you prefer over another?


Is there anything I need to keep in mind while I'm reading this book?


The friend I got the books from started with the NPC about three weeks ago and said that finding NPC is like finding the Holy Grail for women.


Have you ever had to use it and stop because it caused problems?

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I used to use a NPC but can't remember the brand. I would just use a quarter size amount and spread it on the inside of my leg or arm, switching spots every day since that helps with absorption apparently. I can't remember why I stopped (this was a very long time ago), but have been thinking about starting again so I'm listening with interest!

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I have used it on and off for years. I needed it the worst about 7 years ago (when I was about 40). I had a list of symptoms, and it helped tremendously with everything. I stopped using it when I got pregnant, and since delivering my little "late in life delight" at age 42, I have only needed it on occasion.


I've heard that some people have acne breakouts when they use too much, but I haven't had that problem. Also, obviously, if it makes you worse, or if it causes new symptoms, back off on your dosage, or stop using it completely. It does have very real effects. If you are progesterone deficient, or estrogen dominant, it will help. If you're not, it won't help. I would highly recommend trying it, though, and keep a log of how much you use, when you use it, how you feel afterward, changes in symptoms and cycle, etc.


Oh, it may make you sleepy. Use it at night mainly. You can use a little in the morning, but don't over-do it unless you have time for a nap. :)

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I started using Pro-Gest this month, available at my local natural foods store. It comes in little pre-measured tubes which I apply 2X/day. So far, it has made a tremendous improvement in my quality of life - hot flashes were just killing me! I have gone from 15-20 or more PER DAY to 5-10 per day. I feel SO much better!


Honestly, a friend recommended it to me and I tried it b/c I had to do SOMETHING! Now that I know that it works, I really need to do a little research and maybe make a dr.'s appt.



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Yes, I used it for 3 years and it really, really helped me get through a rough hormonal time. I found a doctor who presecribed it and I found I needed only a fraciton of teh dose on the bottle. And, I could only use it in the evening.

You just find your own doseage.

For me I couldn't use it in the morning because even a smidgeon of the cream would make me sleepy. But it really helped smooth my nerves and helped me sleep well. I only used it half the month.

You do need to find your own dose but it's not so hard. Take whatever is on the bottle and go from there. More or less.

After about 3 years, I just felt I didnt want to keep taking it and found I was ok without it. I still have the bottle there for backup.

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I'm 43 and a homeschooling mom; I have a few health issues, so consider me in your group. ;)

I started using NPC about 2 years ago on the advice of the book you mentioned. I was losing hair, except some of was showing up on my upper lip.... :tongue_smilie: I was having trouble sleeping and experiencing a feeling of dread that was not based on anything but my emotions and cycles. NPC really makes a difference for me. I can tell I need more when I think nobody likes me. I can tell I forgot my pm dose when I wake up at 4:00a.m. and can't go back to sleep.


I have used two brands: Emerita and Source Naturals. Source Naturals is cheaper, but the smell reminds me of medicine; Emerita has a milder scent; both of them seem to work well. I purchased both at Whole Foods. I take NPC twice a day using less in the morning and more at night. I use a smaller dose early in the month and increase the dose closer to day 28. I take a 7 day break when my cycle is due. An earlier version of the book says I should only take NPC from day 14-28 because I am still having periods. I really need it at day 7. A friend of mine has a newer copy that says some women need NPC as early as day 3.


I do have a friend with a clotting disorder whose Dr. advised her not to take NPC. I have another friend who felt more aggressive on it. I feel calmer and more "even". I guess you'll have to see how it affects you personally.



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