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First day of homeschooling. Nervous as heck!!!


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In about 2 hours I'll be starting my first day of homeschooling my 1st grader. I am nervous. as. heck. and we're not even doing a full-load! Just Scriptures, Math, Reading, Art, and P.E. (P.E. being a trip to the park) At least she's excited though. She's been asking all morning when homeschool starts!


Breeeeeath! Breeeeeath! :tongue_smilie:

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How exciting! Have fun with her because before you know it, she will be in 8th grade and you will miss those 1st grade days. My biggest regret is that I didn't just chill out more when my kids were that age. It sounds like you have a perfect day of school planned for her....have fun!!

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Thank you for all the encouragement. :D We went ahead and did the scripture study part. Went much easier than I imagined! I let her pick out the art project she wanted to do today last night (making a dinosaur out of paper plates) and I didn't realize we didn't have any paint, so we'll have to make a trip to the store to get some, and she's getting impatient. :lol:




I love your blog -- and I totally 'get' your enthusiasm for a sunny NW day. Wasn't Saturday fantastic?? I got sunburned on the Columbia. :001_smile:

I didn't realize anyone actually read it. :lol: Yes, Saturday was GORGEOUS!!

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Well we survived Week 1. :lol: (doing four days a week to start)


We did Scripture study, math, reading and art "formally", and handwritting was covered in the writting required for the scripture study and math.


I LOVE the book I got for the scripture study. LOVE Math Mammoth which we did 3 out of the 4 days. Math U See is hit and miss. I'm not sure if DD is in Primer or Alpha (are there tests where I can see where she is?) and the blocks are proving to be a bit of a distraction. I'm thinking I may only bring it out to introduce something new, then use Math Mammoth for practicing the new skill.


LOVE OPG for reading. I bought it after giving up on figuring out where to start my DD out in 100EZ Lessons since she already reads some. I enjoy the chapter divisions and how it tells you *exactly* what each lesson is going to teach the child. And the letters aren't all wonky. :lol:


And then art was just painting paper plates (made a sheep mask) and paper bag puppets. I bought a set of books called "Look what you can make with..." that has crafts for paper bags, cardboard tubes, plastic soda bottles, egg cartons, and a bunch of other around-the-house type stuff. She flips through them each night to pick out what she wants to do each day. It's her favorite part of homeschool, so I've made it the last thing we do for the day as an incentive to get her to sit still for the other stuff. :tongue_smilie:


Next week I'll be adding in grammer (FLL) and maybe spelling (AAS).


The teaching part has been a snap thus far, but I'm still figuring out how to store and keep track of everything. And I also need to work on prepping DD's work more than 5 minutes before I want her to start working on it. :tongue_smilie:


Overall though, it's been easier than I thought it was going to be. :)

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