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Presidents Book?


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We are doing US history for this coming year. Along with that I have a state copybook and a US president copybook for my ds. I have a couple of books that contain info about all fifty states that we can read from when we do each state. I was wondering if anyone new of a book like that for Presidents. I want a book that contains a bit of info about each president. My ds will be in 2nd grade, so it does not need to be indepth.

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How about Yo, Millard Filmore!? I just checked it out from the library, and it seems to fit your description. As a bonus, it's a teaching aid for memorizing the names of all of the presidents (up to G.W. Bush) fairly effortlessly. I learned them in an afternoon!

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we enjoyed our country's presidents by Ann Bausam. We used it in TOG and I especially liked that the current edition has President Obama in it. I bought it on Amazon. hth.


dc11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1

currently using TOG, saxon, MM, CD basic, EPGY, FLL, R&S grammar, SWO, etc.

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My son the president geek highly recommends this book. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=978-1-4127-9813-6&x=0&y=0


When available they use actual recordings from the Presidents for the sound bites. I did find an error on JFK's page. It says he died two days after he was shot! Hmmm? Like to know how that worked! As far as I know everything else is accurate. For a look and listen type book, this one is not annoying for adult!;)

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My son the president geek ...


Hi Tami,


Just wanted to say that my son is a president geek, too. Until now, I thought we were alone.


I was thinking about putting something together for his history in two yrs based on the US presidents, but I doubt he'd learned something he doesn't know already.


DS says he wants to be a politician and perhaps president someday.

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... but I doubt he'd learned something he doesn't know already.



I know the feeling! Has he read the bios on whitehouse.gov ? My son is collecting the President coins and the collection book came with a book that has short biographies on each president as well.

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How about Yo, Millard Filmore!? I just checked it out from the library, and it seems to fit your description. As a bonus, it's a teaching aid for memorizing the names of all of the presidents (up to G.W. Bush) fairly effortlessly. I learned them in an afternoon!

That looks like a great book. Thanks for the recommendation! I just added it to my amazon shopping cart. :tongue_smilie:


we enjoyed our country's presidents by Ann Bausam. We used it in TOG and I especially liked that the current edition has President Obama in it. I bought it on Amazon. hth.

This is the one that we're currently using.

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I know the feeling! Has he read the bios on whitehouse.gov ? My son is collecting the President coins and the collection book came with a book that has short biographies on each president as well.


I haven't told him about the president coins yet...

Nor had we checked out whitehouse.gov yet... I imagine there'd be some interesting tidbits there!


He's read every president-related article in our encyclopedias, and checked out tons of J-bios from our library system. I think because *I* prefer the printed page for myself, my kids are the same way by default.


I was volunteering at our hs convention last weekend, and the kids had to come along. Rainbow Resource had a $1.25 little "president activity" book, which I bought figuring it would at least give him something to do. He learned that James Garfield could write with either hand. LOL

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My youngest loved a book about pets of the presidents but I can't find the title. (It wasn't Wackiest White House Pets.)


It went in chronological order and wrote about each pres. pets.


We also used:


The Buck Stops Here


Time for Learning: Presidents (this is one of those "interactive" books with flaps and wheels,etc.)


The Complete Book of Presidents and States


and any picture books and short chapter books I could find.

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I just recently picked up a wonderful book from Borders for about $6 called The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Presidents of the United States by Professor Jon Roper. It has from Washington through Obama. Each chapter tackles a few presidents and some of the important historical events going on at that time (e.g., John F Kennedy and the Space Race.) Most presidents get one page with a small summary box in the corner (birth, education, etc.) For the price I thought it was a steal and will definitely assist us as we tackle the US Presidents this coming school year! Don't let the price fool you. This is a large book, over 250 pages long, photos, and lots of extras. We also have "Yo Millard Filmore" to lighten things up, plus I'm going to get some notebooking pages from currclick.com

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I just recently picked up a wonderful book from Borders for about $6 called The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Presidents of the United States by Professor Jon Roper. It has from Washington through Obama. Each chapter tackles a few presidents and some of the important historical events going on at that time (e.g., John F Kennedy and the Space Race.) Most presidents get one page with a small summary box in the corner (birth, education, etc.) For the price I thought it was a steal and will definitely assist us as we tackle the US Presidents this coming school year! Don't let the price fool you. This is a large book, over 250 pages long, photos, and lots of extras. We also have "Yo Millard Filmore" to lighten things up, plus I'm going to get some notebooking pages from currclick.com


I'm running to borders today. I hope they still have some!

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I just recently picked up a wonderful book from Borders for about $6 called The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Presidents of the United States by Professor Jon Roper.


I was at Border's looking for something else and found this on the bargain table. What a beautiful book -- I took one home with me :-).


Thanks for the tip!

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We have a something from Fandex Family Field Guides about presidents. Its ISBN is 0761112030. Plus, I also have a book on presidents' wives titled The First Ladies of the United STates ISBN 0760705429.


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The books I have for States were all bought at thrift stores. I have:


My America A Poetry Atlas of the United States


Me on The Map


Don't Know Much About the 50 States


Time For Learning States




I just got the president book I bought from Ebay today, and it looks pretty good. I wish I had stopped at Borders last time we were near there. I almost did, but I figured their president books would be spendy.

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Try the method in this book. The way you capture the information ,you inhibate the left part of your brain and enhance the right part. After the reading you know randomly all US presidents, thier rank at the White House etc.... Can be applied to anything.

Without any effort, the answers are flashing litterally in your brains....

pretty neat......




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