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5th Grade Science


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Is there a pre-packaged Science secular curriculum that mirrors the WTM? I'd really like my 5th grade dd to study Biology this year but I'm also teaching grades 1,3,4 and 11 and really could use to simplify my life. My oldest dd used Garber for Biology but that would be MUCH too difficult for this current 5th grader(it was very difficult for her very advanced sister). I've searched old threads and I'm just not finding anything. Thanks so much for any assistance.



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Is there a pre-packaged Science secular curriculum that mirrors the WTM? I'd really like my 5th grade dd to study Biology this year but I'm also teaching grades 1,3,4 and 11 and really could use to simplify my life.

Well...We used NOEO Biology 2 for 5th grade. It follows WTM fairly well. It would simplify your life. You may read my review here. It was not a huge hit here, but it may work well for a different student.

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You may not be getting many responses because there just is not much out there for logic stage science. The best thing for us so far has been SWB's old recommendation of using the How .... Works series. We are using How Your Body Works and How Nature Works. These are actually very easy to use. We do experiments and then write as suggested in TWTM. The books are out of print, but you can still find them used.



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You may not be getting many responses because there just is not much out there for logic stage science. The best thing for us so far has been SWB's old recommendation of using the How .... Works series. We are using How Your Body Works and How Nature Works. These are actually very easy to use. We do experiments and then write as suggested in TWTM. The books are out of print, but you can still find them used.




OMGOSH!! That IS what we used!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!! We have the books (sans the first WTM which was never returned from a friend). THANK YOU!!!!!!

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