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Sonlight ???


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Do you think it is too difficult to run two Sonlight Cores at one time? Thinking specifically of Core 3 for the youngers and Core 6 for my oldest...:confused:


I don't have experience with those cores but I've been planning ahead on how to combine my kids. I think that when my oldest is in 5th I will do core 6 with her while I do Core 1 with my younger kid who will be in 2nd grade. That way we are just studying Ancients rather than jumping back and forth between ancient and US history. Here's my plan:


Alaina Lilli

Core 6 Grade 5 Core 1 Grade 2

Core 7 Grade 6 Core 2 Grade 3

Core 100 Grade 7 Core 3/4 Grade 4

Core 5 Grade 8 Core 5 Grade 5


Anyways... just a suggestion to perhaps make it easier on yourself.

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It's very doable. I had multiple cores going at the same time last year, and am going back to it next year - we will be doing 5 cores at once. It becomes easier when olders do much of the reading themselves and you just meet together for discussion etc.


All the best.

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I know Sonlight would have you read all of the read-alouds to your dc but I thought that for my 7th grader, she could tackle the reading herself. I take it that is what you do.. I would love to be more involved but due to vocal cord damage I had as of late, my voice tires very easily and also I need to lessen my amount of speaking so that they can heal. I marvel at many of the moms on this board and others that manage large families and are able to be so organized when it comes to their kid's schooling. We only have 4, and it seems tough dealing with them, although the youngest is only 3. How do you you all organize your day in order to get everything packed in?

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It can be done. I'm doing it. Did 1 & 6 this year.


3 & 6 will be a touch harder just b/c the read alouds are lengthier in 3 than they are in 1.


Something that helped me immensely this year was that I bought many of the read alouds for 6, including SOTW, on audio so that I didn't have to read them all. It was a *huge* help. The audios are pricey (unless you luck out w/ your library), but it was worth it for me.


FYI, if you use Audible for downloads (as I did), you can work the introductory deals, special offers, etc to really reduce your cost. Be sure to google for promo codes, etc. . . and consider buying a few at a time using a few different "deals" to get them all at a good price. I got 7 - 10 books this year for the list price of 3 or so by working the deals.

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I don't have a lot of experience in this, but I figured that if the time arose, I'd do my best to combine the Cores. Do 6 with both of them, having your older child read the Read Alouds for 3 to the younger. You don't have to do as much reading, you can keep the kids together and not overwhelm yourself, plus with the older doing the read alouds, you're encouraging their relationship and for the older to take responsibility. Or at least it sounds good in theory!! :glare: Good luck!

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I wouldn't do it unless the older one could do a lot of the reading on their own. I have just finished up core 3 and I was reading for over an hour a day at some points. I love to read to the kids and I really enjoyed the books, but I can't imagine having to read for longer than that. I just don't know where I would steal the time. There are many days our reading got pushed off this year just because we ran out of time. We do usually have activities like swimming or playdates schedules for later in the afternoon, though.



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I am doing both of these cores right now.Core 3 for my younger boys and Core 6 for my dd.


For Core 6 I have my dd read the history for herself and do bible alone but we still discuss it together when we come together to check her work. That takes a lot off of my work load. I do the history read aloud out loud to her.


For Core 3 I follow the usual pattern set out by Sonlight for my boys, except my DH reads them the read aloud, so there isn't much reading for me.

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