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Has anyone been a brides personal attendant?

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I was asked to be the personal attendant, really more to help the whole wedding party, making sure they are where they belong when. I'm just looking for tips. I actually printed off a list of things and have started gathering things like, needles, thread, safety pins, first aid kit, tylenol, advil, scissors, I even had some floral wire that I thought I would throw in, you never know what you might need. Actually my whole family was asked to be the "Honorary Family" Dh is helping with sound since it's at a different church than our own and my children are ~9, 10 & 12.5, so they can help where needed as well. Any advice? We are meeting with the bride and groom soon and the wedding is the 19th. Of course we'll be at the rehearsal too!




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I had a great brides personal attendant at my wedding. I had planned everything out but it was so nice to hand everything over to her on the day and not have to worry about anything. The greatest thing she did for me was to run interference for me with my MIL! The other great thing was that she knew all the parts - the tables for the guest book, gifts, both the groom and bride and their parties, the main auditorium, the reception - all of these had people responsible for different parts, but she was the one who checked on all of them and smoothed out problems so that no one would come running to me!

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old t-****s that the girls in the wedding party can put over their dresses in case there are snacks in the dressing rooms. The last thing you need is red juice spilled down the front of the flower girl 10 min. before the wedding starts. Ask me how I know. I was like :glare: at the person who gave it to her during the 5 min. when I left the room. Thank goodness for a bar with soda water!



I'm guessing you meant to say old t-shiRts! :D

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One thing to make sure that is overseen.....


The purses, jewelry, cameras of the bride and bridesmaids are secured while out of the room. The wallets of the men are secured also.


Just a big rubbermaid tote that everything can be thrown into and placed somewhere under lock and key is great during the ceremony and reception, it doesn't have to be fancy.


I have been to two weddings, at which, during the ceremony the wedding parties were robbed. One was at a church the other was in a wedding hall.

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I've been one for several weddings.


Don't forget safety pins and corsage pins. If there are silk flowers, you'll want to bring floristst tape to fix anything. Also, a roll of duct tape is nice to have. Think about what kind of decorations there are and what might go wrong with them. Get a list of vendors, their phone numbers and what time they are supposed to be where so you can call if there is a problem. Also, a list of the bridal party with phone numbers is helpful. Breathe mints, mouthwash and something to clean spills, extra batteries for cameras. Make sure your phone is charged!


At the moment, that is all I can think of! :D

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Forgot to add...Extension cord and plug in strip for straight irons etc.



If you can go to the venue ahead of time, I would. Some times there are beautiful accommodations for the wedding party, sometimes they are pitiful. By seeing what is there you may get some ideas as to what you will need. If there are reviews of the accommodations, I would read every one. There are often golden nuggets in reviews. Things like "the room was really cold-as it was closest to the A/C" or "the room doesn't have good ventilation, a fan would be nice".

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