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Into which of the categories would your marriage fit?

Are you and your spouse:  

  1. 1. Are you and your spouse:

    • country girl/city boy
    • city girl/country boy
    • two city slickers
    • two country folk
    • other

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I'm just curious to see the mixtures. We are definitely city girl+country boy here.



BOTH my dh and I are city AND country blend! However, we live in the city close to dh's work, but our hearts are in the mountains and country...we go whenever we get a chance. We enjoy the beach too, but mountains a tad more.

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South GA swamp girl meets Bay Area CA boy. We split the difference and feel right at home in the Rockies.


The key we found that works for us is to live in a small town, but still be close enough to a big city to check out the museums, ball games, shows and airport.

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I voted other, as we're neither country or city. We're both island people -- shorts, T-shirt, beach.. palm trees. We both grew up on small islands, and we live on a tiny island at the moment. We're very mellow, easy-going, and like to "chill". Dh has expressed a desire to live wherever there's a tropical or semi-tropical beach nearby. I want to visit the mountains in North Carolina.

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