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Tornado warning question

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Last friday we had tornado warnings all night, they would come and go. Now my question, the counties to the east and south of us are full of tornado warnings and watches. Weather radio is going crazy. One after another. So incase it comes here again, where would be safer? In a small bathroom that has 1 exterior wall but other than that pretty central, or the area outside of the bathrooms with no outside wall. Its not a room, but its not a hall either. Its a square area that leads to 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. that has a wall mirror. What do you think?



ETA: It is getting darker outside and the warnings are getting closer (though still about 40 miles away)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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That's hard. I've lived through a severe tornado when I was a teen.


We've got a similar situation I think. I'm having trouble picturing your situation because I'm sort of mentally stuck in ours. But we decided to do the hall like area here. That said, the mirror would bug. Can you take it down for this? Is the tub on an outside or inside wall?

If the mirror isn't removable/is a flying glass hazard do you have an interior closet? That and the tub maybe?


Do you have a neighbor with a basement? When we knew for sure a tornado was coming for us (hit in counties headed here) we went to a neighbors with the kids. I felt so much better about it.


When you get a chance I'd describe your situation to your emergency management person for your county (at least that's what they are here) and see what they say is safest.

Edited by sbgrace
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That's hard. I've lived through a tornado when I was a teen. We've got a similar situation I think. I'm having trouble picturing your situation because I'm sort of mentally stuck in ours. But we decided to do the hall like area here. That said, the the mirror would bug. Can you take it down for this? Is the tub on an outside or inside wall?

If the mirror isn't removable/is a flying glass hazard do you have an interior closet? That and the tub maybe?


Do you have a neighbor with a basement. When we knew for sure a tornado was coming for us (hit in counties headed here) we went to a neighbors with the kids. I felt so much better about it.


When you get a chance I'd describe your situation to your emergency management person for your county (at least that's what they are here) and see what they say is safest.



The tub is on the exterior wall. There is a tiny interior wall closet but there is no door and its right across from a window. The mirror does not come down, but I am thinking if we cover up with a blanket? Our house is weird, its a bunch of additions put together, basically

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I *personally* would NOT be where there was glass.


Our *only* option is our master closet, it *is* on an outside wall, but a closely framed, small area and I can shut the door. Also, it is on the opposite side of the house from where our storms usually come.


Think of things being blown in, projectiles, etc. I would NOT be by the mirror. Put the kids in the tub and put a mattress or pillows over them if you know it is headed your way.

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Yuck. :grouphug: I don't like either of those. The glass would really bother me though. I think I'd pick the tub if I had to. I wish it weren't an exterior wall.


Can you all fit there and be low (with couch cushions on top of you and arms covering heads)?


Do you have a neighbor with a safe place? No crawl space I assume? No usuable (no glass, no heavy stuff) interior closets anywhere?

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Just read your reply.


Okay, you want to be in the most sturdy area. Think of an area that is framed tightly. Do you have any centrally located bedrooms with closets with doors?


You do not want heavy things overhead that can fall on someone.


Do you have a stairway that you can get under?

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Now that I think of it you've got an exterior wall (that you're on) and glass/mirrors in the bathroom too. That's not good either.


You know it's coming. If you have a friendly and very close neighbor with a better situation and you still have enough time before it arrives I'd try to call.


Saying a prayer for you and your family.


I'd see about that mirror being removed for the future even if I had to knock it off and put a picture up over the wall space or something.

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Downstairs closet. or, downstairs half-bath without a mirror. Those are our only choices in our house. Texas does not have soil type to permit basements. Going to another house does not seem wise, if the tornado already is in your area.


We had plenty of tornadoes during our ten years in Alabama. I have many memories of them !

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I heard somewhere that you need to be in a bathroom with the fewest windows but where you are closest to the water coming into the house. The idea is that the water/drainage pipe goes into the concrete foundation and is less likly to be blown away. You are "grounded"--not electrically but physically. Upstairs bath--no.



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I would be in the bathroom...huddled around the toilet as best we could.


I heard somewhere that you need to be in a bathroom with the fewest windows but where you are closest to the water coming into the house. The idea is that the water/drainage pipe goes into the concrete foundation and is less likly to be blown away.



Look at pictures of tornado damaged areas. Typically the toilets are left in place.

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Texas does not have soil type to permit basements. Going to another house does not seem wise, if the tornado already is in your area.



Where we are in Wy there are no basements either. Same reason, and personally, our neighbors are NOT the greatest!


Just to update, we did have a tornado warning, but no touch downs. There is another in the next county over again, so as of right now its past us but we will see if it moves over again. We did have ping pong sized hail though, wow that is loud!


There is possibly more headed this way, unless they break up first, So I thnk everybody for you help! We will be going to the tub with a mattress over us, I think after reading all the replies that is safest. I am getting off here for now though, just in case! UGH... keep the prayers coming for this area if you think about it!



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I've grown up in tornado alley. We don't take cover until we hear them talking about cloud rotation that is heading our way or tornadoes on the ground that are heading our way. If those things aren't happening, it's life as usual.

Isn't that what a warning means (as opposed to a watch)? Do you mean you don't take cover unless you could (were you looking) see an actual tornado headed for your home personally? The warnings are issued like this here--a cloud rotation (or tornado on the ground) has been spotted at _______ and will be at (community/town/sometimes nw area of county in rural areas/etc.) at specific time and on. The "capable of producing tornadoes/have produced tornadoes/etc." storms are all watches. Isn't that true everywhere? Oh, maybe they warn the county but then tell you it's only in a certain geographical area--is that what you mean?


We take cover for warnings for our area. We don't think much of watches.


OP, I've been thinking of you today.


I hope that mirror can be removed. I actually think your sort of hallway area as you described it is likely safer than a bathroom w/exterior wall and mirror if you can get that mirror gone. We got a new roof last year w/hail not quite that big. The boys eyes were as big as saucers listening to that!

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A warning means....go outside on the porch and see if you can see the storm.




A watch means that there is potential for such storm. The conditions are favorable for it. Which usually means absolutely nothing is going to come of it.


A warning means there is a strong possibility (i.e. an active super cell is headed our way) and/or rotation has been seen somewhere in the surrounding area. Which usually means it's a good chance to keep an eye on things and be ready.


We don't take cover unless the weather folks say there is rotation spotted or a tornado has been spotted on the ground near our neighborhood and is moving in our direction.


For example, last week. There were storms headed this way and eventually three cells converged about 20 miles from us. At first we thought it would pass us by but it ended up heading right for our neighborhood. It was starting to develop a hook and some rotation was spotted in the clouds. We stood outside for a while (when it was about 10 miles away) to watch it come in. As it got closer (within about 5 miles) it was really starting to get dark and the chasers were talking about rain-wrapped rotation. All was quiet then BAM! the rain and crazy wind started. That's when we all headed for the bathroom.


So no, we don't take cover unless there is an actual need to. If we took cover here for every storm warning, we'd be spending A LOT of time in our hidey-hole. LOL

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I would be in the bathroom...huddled around the toilet as best we could.





Look at pictures of tornado damaged areas. Typically the toilets are left in place.


Unless you were in the May 3rd tornado that destroyed EVERYTHING!! We were in this one and after the tornado we found one of our toilets in what was left of one our trees!!!:tongue_smilie:

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