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non-alcoholic beer in batter?

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I'm making fried onions. The recipe calls for one can beer, 2.5 cups milk, 4 eggs, plus dry seasoning mix.


Can I use non-alcoholic beer?


I know it cooks out. I plan to make this often enough over the next month that I may as well get a six pack. But I don't want alcoholic beverages sitting in my house for a month (or for an afternoon, actually).


Second question: do I need to refrigerate non-alcoholic beer?

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You can absolutely use non-alcoholic beer - it will work great.


You do not need to refrigerate non-alcoholic beer, unless you're going to serve it as a drink to someone - then it tastes better if it's cold.



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It should. I use sparkling grape juice in all my recipes that call for wine. They turn out fine and no one has ever complained. :D


I'm responding as a cook, not as a "pro vs. con" for alcohol . . . Replacing wine with fruit juice will result in something very different from what is intended. I can't imagine all that sugar in my spaghetti sauce ! If I were unwilling to cook with alcoholic beverages (and I'll ignore the fact that the alcohol does, indeed, vanish during cooking), I would use non-alcoholic wine as a substitute. The intended flavours would be there.

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