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Help choosing Sonlight Core for my 7 yr old DS?


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Hello .. I have read everything on the SL website LOL and used Sonia but still am having trouble deciding on a core for my son. I feel like Sonia just automatically recommends core 1+2 combined if it is your first time with sonlight. I know some folks don't recommend the combined cores (miss too much)


A bit about my DS.


I have just the one child and there will be no more kids following LOL. My older kids are 25 and 26 years old and are all grown LOL.


He is 7 years old and will be finishing 1st grade in 2 weeks at christian school.


If he was returning to his school in the fall he would be turning 8 years old about 12 weeks after school starts for MOST of the 2nd grade he would have been 8 years old. I mean he still will be LOL.. but I might start a few of our studies before the fall LOL.


He is advanced especially in reading and language arts. He reads at the word list 6 on the sonlight test. He can read chapter books like Geronimo Stilton. He also likes the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and such. He can read just about anything but isn't going to just grab a long chapter book and curl up and read it.. even though he could.

He can read short chapters but isn't into reading long chapters with no pictures Unless I listen to him or sit by him and have him read to me.

The Station level 3 books are about right for him.


His teacher at his teacher conference mid year said that we could look into him skipping a year or two in school! First I wouldn't skip a child two years! We also don't want to skip him 1 year either since I feel they just aren't giving him appropriate stuff. They just give all the kids in his class the same materials regardless of their ability which is one reason I believe the homeschooling will be ideal for my DS who can go at his pace in each subject.


I really want to choose wisely.

Sonia recommends 1+2 with advanced readers. I am not sure. I want to make sure the readers are right for him. they don't have sample passages of the readers on their website. they have general descriptions. 6 letter words with so many syllables. or books that have

150 to 200 pages per page with a picture every 4 pages. that might be okay.


I am considering just going to Core 2 directly maybe with the Intermediate readers. Or Core 2 with Advanced readers. Maybe I could add some lower readers.


Or do Intermediate readers and add some advanced. Uggh@ !@! so many choices




I plan on doing Apologia Science. Singapore math. Piano lessons (music) he already takes.


I am not sure for Language arts if I will use the SL one as many people don't like the sonlight LA portion.


Plus I will need to decide on a phonics program.


Or should I just do the whole SL program AS IS ?


The main decision is the Core 1+2 or go to Core 2?

Intermediate or Advanced readers?


thank you SO much for any help.

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Why not just start with Core 1 w/ advanced readers? Then you can begin at the beginning of the history studies...you'll have plenty of time to finish if you choose to do all cores so not worries there. And the History/Read-Aloud portion is no less demanding or advanced than Core 2. I personally wouldn't do Core 1+2 because it goes through history faster than I like. If you do Core 1 this year and Core 2 next year you can easily throw in some extra activities if your son likes that sort of thing...ie movies, crafts, museum trips etc. We're finishing Core 5 right now by the way.

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Any reason why you're not considering Core 1 with Readers 2 Intermediate? Then you could do Core 2 with Advance Readers next year? That is what I would suggest.


I wouldn't recommend doing the Advanced readers with a child who doesn't like to read chapter books yet. But then, I think it is always better to err on the side of having readers be too easy than too hard when you are trying to foster a love of reading.


Last year, I did core 2 with Advanced readers with my strong reader (dd grade 3) - she had already read the entire Harry Potter series on her own at that point. The readers were definitely easy for her but she still got a lot out of them. The Advanced Readers are chapter books with few pictures.


I also think Core 1/2 with Intermediate Readers might be a good idea for an advanced child who isn't into chapter books yet :) I generally think the combined cores are too much for most kids but it sound like it might be a good fit for your son!

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Why not just start with Core 1 w/ advanced readers? Then you can begin at the beginning of the history studies...you'll have plenty of time to finish if you choose to do all cores so not worries there. And the History/Read-Aloud portion is no less demanding or advanced than Core 2. I personally wouldn't do Core 1+2 because it goes through history faster than I like. If you do Core 1 this year and Core 2 next year you can easily throw in some extra activities if your son likes that sort of thing...ie movies, crafts, museum trips etc. We're finishing Core 5 right now by the way.


Just a warning:


The problem with doing Core 1 with Readers 2 Advanced is that then you won't have any readers to do with core 2...

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Any reason why you're not considering Core 1 with Readers 2 Intermediate? Then you could do Core 2 with Advance Readers next year? That is what I would suggest.




:iagree: The 2 Advanced readers are a BIG step up in difficulty, reading amount, and passage length. I've heard some say they are actually harder than the Core 3 readers. Becca is a bit past the reading level of 2 Int. but that's okay because she's reading to learn, not working on her reading skills. Does that make sense?


And yes, I'd also recommend the Choosing forums over at Sonlight over SONIA. They're very helpful.

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I would consider Core 1 with the 2 intermediate readers. Core 1 is a great place to start out for both of you.

Even if your son could read the 2 advanced readers, it sounds (to me) like the intermediate readers would be a better fit for him. They have a nice mix of short chapter books and some that are a bit longer; it's a good mix that will build up a reader, and not overwhelm. If he really wants more and more to read, you could always throw in some of the 2 advanced selections; most of them are easy to find at a library.

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We are working on core 2 with my 2nd grader with LA2 advanced. He is a very strong reader though and does curl up with 300 page books from the library. The readers are easy for him, but that doesn't matter as much honestly. He still likes them, even if he can read one in 1/2 hour.


If you choose the full SL LA program, be sure to pick based on writing level and not reading level. The writing level is IMHO several steps above the reading level in any particular LA.


What kind of history did he do last year if any? You can just pick up there really. If none, I agree core 1 is a nice place to start with the ancients and is tons of fun. My DS adored ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, etc. He likes the Medieval in core 2, but not quite as fun for him in his opinion as core 1.

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The 2 Advanced readers are a BIG step up in difficulty, reading amount, and passage length. I've heard some say they are actually harder than the Core 3 readers.


:iagree: We used the 2 Advanced readers last year and they are most definitely more difficult than the core 3 readers we did this year!

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Another vote for Core 1 + Intermediate :)


This would indeed be a great place to start. The intermediate readers have some short/easy books as well as some longer/harder books. If you child reads through them quicker then scheduled, just add books from the library. They are great books, though.


:iagree: We used the 2 Advanced readers last year and they are most definitely more difficult than the core 3 readers we did this year!


Seconding this as well. The advanced readers used to be called "grade 3-5". They ARE harder then the core 3 books. Maybe not necessarily harder but the reading assignments are longer. There are very few, if any, pictures. The type is smaller and someone who isn't a strong reader could easily be overwhelmed. My older son did the advanced readers his 4th grade year. He read all the Harry Potters and Eragon and it's sequel during 3rd grade and the advanced books were perfect.


It really sounds like core 1 with intermediate would be a great start.

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Just a warning:


The problem with doing Core 1 with Readers 2 Advanced is that then you won't have any readers to do with core 2...

That is easy. Only assign half of them. That way he has more time to read things that interest him. Non fiction, books with more colorful pictures...
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Ya'll have been a huge help.



Well it seems to be the consensus to go with the Intermediate readers so that is what I am going to do.


I am going to find out what history he got this year in first grade. I think that will make my decision easier between core 1 and core 1+2.


If he did core 1 w Intermediate readers. Then next year would be core 2 with advanced readers?


I kinda like that idea.

But I also like the idea of 1+2 with the Intermediates. Then what the year after? I guess that would be core 3 w whatever level readers. following that plan he would skip the 2 advanced readers altogether? should I worry about that?:confused:


I am getting so much closer to nailing this thing down LOL :lol:


Thanks so much

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Ya'll have been a huge help.



Well it seems to be the consensus to go with the Intermediate readers so that is what I am going to do.


I am going to find out what history he got this year in first grade. I think that will make my decision easier between core 1 and core 1+2.


If he did core 1 w Intermediate readers. Then next year would be core 2 with advanced readers?


I kinda like that idea.

But I also like the idea of 1+2 with the Intermediates. Then what the year after? I guess that would be core 3 w whatever level readers. following that plan he would skip the 2 advanced readers altogether? should I worry about that?:confused:


I am getting so much closer to nailing this thing down LOL :lol:


Thanks so much


Yes, after core 1 w/int, you'd go to core 2 with adv. And no, it isn't a problem AT ALL skipping advanced readers. Core 3 is a beautiful next step after int readers.

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I wouldn't worry about skipping the 2 Advanced Readers, but I would worry about doing cores 3 and 4 too soon. Since they cover wars and such in the history most people recommend to use them in the upper age range. HTH!


You can probably find samples of most of the readers on Amazon.com. Some of them are very short... DD would read half of one in one sitting.

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I also think Core 1 with intermediate readers would be the way to go. Then Core 2 with advanced readers. You can always add in a harder reader here or there, or occassionally go faster through the Core and finish in less than 36 weeks. There's too much good stuff in Core 1 that you will miss if you do 1 + 2!


I'm just finishing up Core 1 with my 6 and 7 year old sons who are very advanced readers and it was a perfect fit. (They would read some of the read-alouds and history books in addition to the readers).

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I also think Core 1 with intermediate readers would be the way to go. Then Core 2 with advanced readers. You can always add in a harder reader here or there, or occassionally go faster through the Core and finish in less than 36 weeks. There's too much good stuff in Core 1 that you will miss if you do 1 + 2!


I'm just finishing up Core 1 with my 6 and 7 year old sons who are very advanced readers and it was a perfect fit. (They would read some of the read-alouds and history books in addition to the readers).

:iagree:This is what I have done with my boys, my older one especially enjoyed reading some of the "bigger" books to me--Cricket in Times Square was a favorite of his.


I would not recommend the core 1+2 combo; I think it just moves through too much too fast. Some parents and children might be able to handle it, but I know that for me and mine, it would just be one big blur.

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So I wanted to find out about the history geography he got for first grade. She showed me the book and they only did the first 4 units. It was more like social studies, not history or geography per se. There was a unit on *Thanksgiving* and some general cultural stuff. I also saw the workbook which had fill out pages with simple questions to answer. Like one work answers it seems.


Someone posted and mentioned to purchase the core based on the child's writing ability and not their reading level.

She said that in class they are writing 5 sentence paragraphs with a topic sentence etc. and that he did a good job of that - staying on topic with the paragraph.


She said that he could continue to come to Chapel on Fridays (and that other students who are now homeschooled do that)

So that is awesome I am def going to do that esp to transtition him .. he can still see his friends.




I am going to check on amazon and see if I can see some book excerpts

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So I wanted to find out about the history geography he got for first grade. She showed me the book and they only did the first 4 units. It was more like social studies, not history or geography per se. There was a unit on *Thanksgiving* and some general cultural stuff. I also saw the workbook which had fill out pages with simple questions to answer. Like one work answers it seems.


Someone posted and mentioned to purchase the core based on the child's writing ability and not their reading level.

She said that in class they are writing 5 sentence paragraphs with a topic sentence etc. and that he did a good job of that - staying on topic with the paragraph.


She said that he could continue to come to Chapel on Fridays (and that other students who are now homeschooled do that)

So that is awesome I am def going to do that esp to transtition him .. he can still see his friends.




I am going to check on amazon and see if I can see some book excerpts


You should choose a LA (not the Core) based on writing ability. LA2 Int. would probably still be a good fit - you could just skip the first few weeks where they teach paragraph writing.

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