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Anyone have any tips for how to navigate a homeschool convention??

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I'll be attending ours this month for the fourth time. I still feel like I wander around aimlessly at these things.


Also, some of our speakers are Christopher Klicka, Diana Waring, and Todd Wilson. Does anyone know anything about these speakers? I always have a hard time choosing who to go and listen to.

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Well, I can offer a couple suggestions. First, do as much research as you can before you go. Make two specific lists: things you would like to look at and things you definitely want to buy. Take a look at the vendor list and decide where you want to go first, to buy the things you definitely want. Then, decide where you need to go to look at the things you are considering. After you have bought the things you need, then you can check out what else is there. I just start at the front and go from table to table in order. If I find something cheaper someplace or something better, I consider buying it and returning the earlier purchase. I usually just look at the tables first and make notes of things I am interested in. Then, I take a moment to sit and rest and look over my notes. I make decisions based on my needs and the money I have left! Then, I go back and purchase anything additional I want. When in doubt, don't buy it! You can always take a card or catalog and order it later. Better to pay the shipping later than to purchase something on impulse you won't use.


Regarding the speakers, I would google them and check out their webpages to see if they interest you. The best way to choose which talks to go to is to look at the topic and see if it would help you. You can also just order cds of the talks you are interested in and listen to them later. You won't be able to see all those vendors for another year.

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I love homeschool conventions, but they can be a little overwhelming as well. Here are my tips:


1. Don't overbook yourself. Make sure you leave enough time to sit and have lunch, think, and shop.


2. Bring a list. Do your research before the convention and figure out which resources you want to spend time looking at.


3. Bring cash or else be very strict with yourself about how much you will spend. It's easy to get enticed by beautiful resources. Keeping a budget will help you keep your priorities straight.


4. Don't plan anything for the evening. If the convention is in your home town then get the kids to bed early and spend the evening digesting what happened in the day. If you're out of town then go directly to your hotel and have a quiet evening.


5. Make a list of questions you'd like to ask the speakers while they're speaking. This will likely be one of the few chances you'll have to discuss things with them. Often speakers will have a booth in the exhibit hall where they're able to answer questions after their sessions.


6. Order CDs of any workshops that you thought looked good but you couldn't attend.


7. Remember to take what will bless you and leave the rest behind. No one person will have all the answers and there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all philosophy or curriculum.


I think that's it : ) Our convention is coming up in two more weeks and I'm really looking forward to it.



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to a homeschool convention...


I like to bring a clipboard with my lists of "what to buy for sure" and "what to look at".


Then I see what times the lectures are that I really want to hear.. and schedule my time around them (sorry I'm not familiar with the speakers you listed). (and actually, before I arrive I already know the times of the lectures).


So, first thing, when I walk in the door.. I go buy all my books/supplies that are on my list. Then I go check them in the holding room, to be picked up after the convention (or I run them out to my car). Now it's FUN time! If I need to comparison shop for a subject (like this year it'll be an algebra program) I do that at this point. I go to the lectures, talk to vendors, etc. I also always bring a bottle of water and a power bar in my totebag.. I find that I always need them.


I always have a good time. One year I was 'done' with alllll my curriculum shopping (for 5 kids...) by 8:15am.. a personal record, thank you very much.


this will be my 9th or 10th year going to our convention.. can't wait!



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How to prepare depends somewhat on how large/involved the convention is. Here is what I used to do when going to a large convention in VA or NC:


1. Wear comfortable shoes. I log many miles trudging at these things.


2. Carry a sweater. Some rooms are hot, some are cold. It varies. I also carry a folder with pockets to put the program and a legal pad in to take notes. This is also a good place to put any handouts you get. I also use a fanny pack to avoid having to carry a purse. Oh, and since my DH also goes, we usually carry walkie-talkies.


3. Bring something with you to carry stuff. I have one of those rolling crates with a handle. Some people use a small/medium wheeled suitcase.


4. Plan ahead of time which sessions you are going to. We would always sit down with the workshop listing a couple of weeks pre-convention and decide which sessions we are going to, if we are going to split up for any, and which ones we wanted tapes/CDs for. Nowadays, the conventions usually offer a CD with all of the sessions on it, and I usually buy that. It saves a lot of grief! If I have to miss a session for some reason, I know I will be able to hear it later.


I plan what sessions I am going to based on what I need. Do I need encouragement in a certain topic? Am I about to hit a new phase in homeschooling (e.g., transition to logic stage)? What are subjects I am weak in and can get help (e.g., teaching art)? Are there sessions that are hands-on and hearing the tape won't be as effective as going in person? Is there a homeschool speaker I've been looking forward to hearing in person? Am I simply interested in a certain session topic?


4. Bring a wishlist. This includes curriculum I know I am going to buy, curriculum I am considering buying but want to see in person, and curriculum I am simply curious about. I use Rainbow prices as my "benchmarks" and usually put the Rainbow price next to each item so I have an idea of what it costs. This helps me identify good deals.


5. After I decide which sessions to attend, then I know what time I have remaining for shopping. If I don't have enough, I will go back and refigure which sessions I can just hear later. I like to keep it about 50% talks and 50% shopping. I have three phases of shopping (1) browsing, (2) shopping, and (3) committing.


Browsing: I try to take one turn through the curriculum hall without buying anything. Who is here? What is new? I try to stay away from the large discount people on this pass. I just note where they are. I return to them when I am looking for something specific. Sometimes I have found gems this way that are not widely known. Pay attention to the small vendors that you have never heard of before. I also usually buy major Christmas/birthday presents for the children at these conferences, so I look for suitable gift items. There is usually a toy vendor or two with cool stuff.


Shopping: Next, I try to locate the items on my wishlist. I start with things I want to see in person. I try to do them first so I have time to look at them. I also try to find the items I am curious about. I still don't buy much at this phase.


Committing: Sometimes I do this at the end. If my shopping time is limited, I might pick up "must haves" during the shopping phase. I buy as much as I can from my wishlist on the floor. This saves shipping, and it also supports the vendors who have gone to the trouble/expense of showing up. I do try to shop for a reasonable price. I also usually leave an order with Rainbow at the end of the conference for things I can't find, because they will not charge me shipping.


6. Used Curriculum Sale. If your conference has a used curriculum sale, make sure you leave time to shop there (you may be assigned a time). This can get overwhelming, so prepare yourself. Just go and see if anything jumps out at you or just look for things on your wishlist. Often my DH and I will split up here, each with a copy of the wishlist. After we select items, we sit down in a corner and make final decisions before purchasing.


Have fun! I hope this helps.

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If you choose a speaker and you find you don't like them or aren't getting anything out of that particular talk, you can always leave quietly. I wouldn't sit front row, center and do this, but if you're nearer an exit, further back, it's simpler. And you can come in to another talk late if you want to change over. It's not like class at school; folks come and go throughout for different reasons.


I do always have a jacket, sweater, or something along with me so that I can allow for rooms too cold and rooms too hot, etc. I also bring bottled water and a backback for the books and materials I'll accumulate.


I make a list of things I want to purchase. If I think there might be price differences, I list the prices I know I can get from ordering, then compare those with what the vendors are offering. I also may make a list of new things that I want to just try to look at in real life, to get a feel for them.


I try to move through the hall from one aisle to the next during my first time through, covering everything. I tend to make a mental note of interesting things I see and want to come back to in order to look over them more thoroughly at another time.


Good luck and have fun!



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