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Knock me over with a feather. It's a girl.

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I had a little princess after three boys. I had a number of miscarriages in between number 3 and 4 and I used to think that they were the girls. I really didn't think I could carry a girl. When she was born, they handed her to me and I got to announce the sex. I actually forgot to look, I was just so relieved the birth was over! Then, when I turned her over, I thought it looked funny - something was missing!!!! I swear I thought she was a boy!


Our boys spoiled her!! One day when we realized she was four months old and hadn't turned over yet, my oldest said, "It's because we never put her down!" And it was true!!


She really is different than the boys. My girl is such a neat mix of girly-girl and tomboy. She plays baseball with the boys in her tutu. She insists on the "twirly" skirts and dresses and then makes mud pies while wearing them!


It's SO much fun to shop in the girl section!! After my dd. was born I spent hours on line looking at all the cute clothes!


Have fun!!!!

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Congratulations! The girls' section is so much fun. I also have a tomboy in a tutu - and don't try to tell her that stripes and polka dots don't "go" together. You're going to have a blast with your little princess, protected by all her knights!



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congratulations. We were in the same place 5 years ago with babygirl. I had my 3 sons and considered my quiver full. Baby girl came as quite a suprise to us. I am still in awe and can't believe that I have this little girl. I sure do enjoy her. I always told dh if we ever had a girl I'd have to go back to work for I can't resist those oh so cute little girl clothes. Thank God there is now e-bay and consignment sales in town to buy all those so sweet clothes. lol


Okay, I'll add my tomboy girly girl story...DD had on her Disney store Belle dress running around the yard with her magic wand while her brother and friends were playing army with all the sound effects and babygirl was saying "point, point, point" as she pointed her magic wand at the armymen. WishI had filmed it but I was enjoying the moment.


She has been known to have on her fancy ballet dress while following and helping her daddy with yard work and other house projects.

Edited by lynn
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