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Did anyone see Criminal Minds last night...

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with the homicidal homeschooler? :glare:


The money quote came from the genius profiler exclaiming to the mother and abusive father, who are not cooperating to help find the killer, "Don't you know what social isolation does to a child???!!!!"




Are there TV & movie storylines that portray well-adjusted, achieving homeschooler?

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with the homicidal homeschooler? :glare:


The money quote came from the genius profiler exclaiming to the mother and abusive father, who are not cooperating to help find the killer, "Don't you know what social isolation does to a child???!!!!"




Are there TV & movie storylines that portray well-adjusted, achieving homeschooler?



19 Kids and Counting shows homeschoolers in a wonderful light. Those are the nicest kids I've ever seen on TV!

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Yeah - the kid had a horribly abusive father - and the parents indicated he had sociopathic behaviors as a child - but n-o-o-o-o-o - it's the homeschooling and social isolation that pushed him over the edge.


The scene where the teacher realized that she did know another teen who fit the profile; she just didn't remember because he's homeschooled grated on me, too. It was almost as obvious as everyone throwing up their hands and saying - "Of course - he must be the killer!"

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I knew it wasn't going to be good when the teacher got the shocked and dismayed look on her face when she said "He's no longer a student. He's homeschooled."


Yep, my thoughts also. Then Reed's socialization comment really got to me (I so like his character most times :glare:)

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I did see this episode too! At first I was irritated that the comment was made. Then I realized that it really just boils down to the fact that people are just ignorant. We as parents who homeschool know that are kids are very normal, capable kids. This episode just plays off the stereotypes that plague homeschool kids. It actually gets a little old!

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