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I need ideas for a Bible and Character study for summer studies.


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I am DONE with school this Friday. I am leaving two dc w/a lot of unfinished work to do(except math and LA) as I feel our family is in somewhat of a crisis mode. We have three areas that are begging to be addressed.


1) Putting God first in our lives, each step of the day. This is why I am asking for the Bible/Character study.


2)Family relationships are needing work. Sibling to sibling. Dc to parent. Spouse relationship.


3)Appropriate for another forum....my home is a mess, cluttered, and in much need of TLC.


Our dc are 13 and almost 9, and we are new Protestant Christians.



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The Proverbs People 1 and 2 books are good character studies using the book of Proverbs. Apologia has a new series...so far only the first book is out: Who Is God. There are supposed to be three books in development to complete the series. This would be one you could read aloud as a family. We are also reading through the Golden Bible. Much discussion can develop just from reading the stories of the Bible. Another option for family time is Greenleaf's Guide to Old Testament History.


Be sure to shop around for them...you can sometimes find them used at a great price.

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What a great summer project! I pray this is a summer your family can mark as a milestone. After many years of homeschooling, I'm most thankful for the time we spent in Bible study, prayer and scripture memory together.


Are you working on Bible literacy or character study? If Bible literacy, I would start at the beginning and work through Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, I and II Kings together. These will give you a huge foundation into God's plan for mankind and His workings throughout history. We have used and like Greenleaf's Guide to Old Testament History as well as the Precepts studies. Both are non-denominational. You could use the *younger* Precepts studies that have recently been written. OR just get a good commentary (Matthew Henry for example) and read through the books. God himself, through the Holy Spirit, will teach you so much.


I would also encourage you all to memorize some scripture together. Some will speak specifically to character while others are truths that affect our character.


Exodus 20: Ten commandments

Psalm 1

Psalm 139

Psalm 19

Philippians 2:5-11 (our attitude)

1 Cor 13 (Love and how we should treat one another)


These are probably my all-time favorite passages.


Hope some of this helps! Enjoy your studies!



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First of all, welcome to the family of faith! I hope you have a warm and welcoming family of believers to come alongside you and support you in your new journey. :)


A few thoughts...you know your kids best, but I have found when we have times where there needs to be a focus on character we often will just STOP school in the traditional sense and focus on family/getting along. HOw this looks:


  • reading together (Check out Sonlight's book lists for great ideas for family read-alouds and/or missionary stories and inspiring biographies. In stressful times you want inspirational stories to lift you, KWIM?)
  • Game time, whatever you all enjoy doing together at home.
  • Doing chores together (Flylady.net can get you jump-started to coming up with routines to get the house into shape. We've done her "summer fly camp". My kids still ask to do "sock mopping" :D)

Whatever you decide, structure your time so that there is a lot of interactional activity and then just focus on that. Your teachable moments will come up through this time and you can use it to work on not just correcting bad habits of relating but emphasizing and practicing what you do expect.


The first thing I thought of in terms of learning materials for character building is KONOS. Those units are based on character studies PLUS they provide great opportunities for families to work together.





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This isn't really a Bible/Character study for your kids, but it might be something helpful for you. http://bootcampforlousyhousekeepers.blogspot.com/


Ignore the name, it sounds horrible. I am thinking of ordering the book for my own summer study. I'm not a terrible housekeeper but I could be a much more efficient one. I'm getting tired of the clutter and I hope that something like this will help me to be more organized in all aspects of my life.

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Here are a few! We are making that a bigger priority as well this year! I just hit me that was on the back burner, and I really think that needs to be foremost in our studies as well!


We started recently with Who Is God and plan to do the whole series, though it is not Character training, it is an amazing book for kids!


Then there is Values Driven Family (we are going to get when the funds come in!)


There is Growing Kids God's Way


This has a TON of links to different types of Character Training


Focus on the Family has tons of links and videos to watch that is extremely beneficial!


Congratulations on your new lifestyle!!!!!!! :grouphug:

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