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Delivered package is missing!??

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Just a RANT:


According to delivery confirmation - the Teaching Company DVDs I ordered on Ebay have been delivered. The only problem is - I don't have them!! :confused:


No one was home when they were delivered, so I don't know what happened to them. I'm trying to reach the mail carrier to find out if they were placed in the mailbox or left at the door. (It has now been several days - but the post office was too busy last week to take calls.) I can only think that they were stolen. I doubt anyone would steal them from my home - but maybe from the mailbox. We have all the mailboxes for the community at the entrance to the subdivision. I'm afraid it might be time to purchase a post office box. The price of a post office box for a year is less money than I just lost on my purchase.:ack2:

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Are you in a neighborhood where house numbers are the same on several streets?

When a delivered package goes missing here, I can always walk one or two streets over to the folks with the same house number as ours and find our package.

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I would go directly to the post office and file a report with the postmaster. If something was stolen from your mailbox, that is a federal crime.

Then I would contact the company and let them know that you did not receive your order. If they say, "sorry", then dispute the charges with your credit card company. Most of the time the company will resend the goods. If so, require a signature at the door delivery.


Hope things work out.

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I think I will go down and talk to the post office. I can't get anyone on the phone. We only have two streets in our subdivision and none of the numbers are the same so it isn't likely it was delivered to the wrong house. I know everyone on my street. I'm nearly positive none of them would take a package. It seems more likely it was taken from the mailbox, as cars drive up to the string of them regularly. It wouldn't be difficult to do. I suppose the post office should be aware, even if I don't get my package back.


I purchased from an individual and not a company, so there is no way to get another set. The seller paid for delivery confirmation and the post office says it was delivered - so the seller can't be faulted. It is frustrating, and I'll file a notice with the post office but I can't imagine there is anything else to be done.

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Was there insurance on it, since there was delivery confirmation?


Unfortunately, no. I talked to the post office. My mail carrier doesn't remember one way or the other. With Mother's Day she delivered any number of packages this past week. :001_rolleyes:


The post office basically told me to contact the seller and have them file a missing/misdirected package claim. So that is what I'm about to do.

Edited by Melissa B
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Well this is the UPS policy: It is the responsibility of the seller (or shipper) to replace the item and they are the ones who are to contact the carrier in order to get the package or be reimbursed. We will not work with the person receiving the package, only the shipper. I hope it works out for you.

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