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Anyone used Aesop's Fables Books About Reading, Writing, Thinking? By Royal Fireworks


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They are very nice.


They have various writing exercises that revolve around Aesop's fables. Lots of writing in the book, lots of thinking and some drawing.


These are also available at Rainbow Resource... you might be able to see samples inside the books (there are 4) there. They are very inexpensive.


It has been a LONG time since I used those!

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I just recently purchased this on a recommendation from a gal on this board and I am very happy with it. I am using the Vol. 1 with my 6 year old.


A friend of mine asked about it via email and this is the note (see below) I wrote back to her telling her about Vol. 1. I hope it helps. Oh, I bought it at Rainbow Resource.



Here's my email to my friend...(excuse my typos and such, I get lazy with emails sometimes!)



It has you read a short fable, then discuss the vocab associated with it, then it has varied written activities that go with each lesson/fable.

For example, here's the first one we did:


Read "the goose with the golden eggs"

talked about the vocab. associated with it (it listed 9 words to go over) Here's the words: surprised , pure, greedy, shouting, excited, joy, wicked, golden, content. Kind of easy words but, 3 of them my dd didn't really know.

Then the next page has a picture from the story to color and under the pic the kiddo is to write a sentence about the picture. Of course you would make sure they used caps where necessary and ended with a period and so forth.

Next page has a fenced farm area picture with a little barn and silo (child reads these words).

The center of the picture is left blank and the kiddo is to add some drawings of things that belong on a farm. they are to label the pictures by spelling and writing the words themselves. My dd drew a girl, slide, bed. Okay, so a bed doesn't belong on a farm in the middle of a field but she drew and labeled (spelled) all drawings herself. Guess a slide doesn't really go there either, lol!

Oh, these are the directions on this particular page: "Nouns name things. "Add some things to the farm. Write the name of each thing you draw."

The next page (I think is so cute and fun) has a big picture of a basket filled with big eggs. The directions say: Write the naming words (nouns) from this story (The goose with the golden eggs) inside the eggs. There are 8 eggs so, your kiddo would write in 8 nouns. i think it is great because the kiddo gets to color, come up with nouns, gets spelling and handwriting practice, and has to use there noggin to think back (or go back) to the story to seek out the nouns.

I just really love the creative aspect to this program. It is actually fun and has the kiddo covering some great concepts as far as LA. I LOVE the price too.

I love how it keeps the kiddo engaged and uses a great variety of activities to keep it really fun and fresh.

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I'm using the first one with my almost 7 year old. I bought it at the beginning of the year, and then kind of forgot about it for most of the year. We've pulled it back out and done a few lessons over the past couple of weeks, though, and we've really been enjoying it. The fables are written simply enough that he can read them himself, so it doubles as reading time. The concepts are introduced in a fun way. I'm planning to go through all 4 of the books and then start him on Grammar Island in 3rd grade.

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