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Please help! Sonlight Core 2 questions


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Is this core okay for an advanced 10 year old?

He looked at the catalog and actually wants to do Alt. 7.:001_huh:


I am looking at if for my first three sons who are advanced 7 year old, average 8 year old (9 in July) and advanced 10 year old (reads books like Moccasin Trail, The Hobbit, etc. on his own).


How can I beef up Core 2?


On the SL website they list the Alt. 7 4-day core as suitable for 10-14 and my 10 year old really needs a challenge.


Alt 7 does not look as meaty or mature as core 6 and core 7.


But part of the reason I am looking at SL is because I had hoped to combine these three sons. I have six children 10 on down and I have been teaching three HOD programs.


I appreciate any help.

For what it is worth- I cannot keep this ten year old child in books.


Finally, we really, really, really care about the content of books for our children and I know this can be an issue with Sonlight.


I am a little desperate.




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I think core 2 would be great for the younger two. If you want to combine all three, it would probably be fine for your 10 yo. I just finished yesterday with my 10 yo. We really enjoyed it. I think Alt 7 would be a stretch for your 10 yo but I haven't done it, yet. If you go to the Sonlight Choosing forum (free), you'll get great advice.


Good luck.

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If you're worried about "content", I definitely would not put your 10 year old in Alt 7. It's a 7th or 8th grade core, and the books reflect that. We just finished Core 6, which is pretty much the first half of Alt 7... I'm not too prudish and my kids aren't particularly sensitive, but I know there are some books in there that raise some eyebrows.


I would stick with Core 2 and combine them all. There are so many books you could add in! You could easily beef up Core 2 with some extra writing assignments or research. I'd do it that way rather than doing 2 cores (tried that and hated it).

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I used Core 2 last year with my then first and fourth graders. I added in The Story of the World Volume 2 to stretch out the content for the Medieval time-period. We used the Activity Guide (it lists lots of books), mostly the maps and a few projects. I also added in most of Volume 3. This did take more time than just using the Core as written and we didn't finish until some time in the early summer. I added in quite a few books. While reading Explorer's News, we added in another, more advanced book about exploration. We read an unabridged version of Robin Hood (Pyle's version) instead of the Usborne book that SL schedules. We read a few titles from Core 6. I found it very easy to beef up the Core.

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We just finished up our Middle Ages studies which we began with SL 2 yrs ago (ds' favorite time period so far). For the second year we used Usborne's Internet Linked Medieval World ( http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Medieval-History/dp/0794508154 ) as our spine. Your ds10 might like that for extra info/research since there are things to look up online. We also incorporated notebook pages into our studies ( http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?cPath=946&products_id=21197&it=1 )

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Thank you!


Does anyone have a booklist besides the Christine Miller one that they recommend for titles to add?


I just want something planned for me. I didn't want to have to try to reorganize something.


My son places (the 10 year old) solid, solid into CTC but I have him in Preparing with his next youngest brother. And we are just not getting it done like we need too- ...

It is mainly because I cannot and I won't drop certain other things from our school list- so it ends up that HOD gets "squeezed" in except for the read aloud times- and it is just so frustrating.


Then the next son is in Beyond and I have two in Little Hands plus the baby.


I will say it- and I don't say it too often. I am really, really overwhelmed!

Oldest son will be fifth grade.


Any help you offer,



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The website Abookintime.com has book lists by period. I have found some there to supplement. I also have a voracious 10 year old reader. Rainbow Resource catalog is another place for ideas, and our local library has an online program that suggests books based on others you have enjoyed. We used that a one point as well.

Btw - Sonlight does warn in the Instructors Guides if there is any content that you may be unhappy with. It is typically in the read-alouds for the younger levels, and being forewarned you can skip those passages.

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I'll be using Core 2 with my 10 year old in the fall. Since they use the same history books with Alt 7 (Usborne World History & CHOW) I figure it's not too young. But the Literature is easy for a 10yo.


I made up my own list, but this might be too easy for your son too - my criteria was books around 100-200 pages at a 9-12 year old reading level.


Twice Freed

Son of Charlemagne

Captured by Vikings

Beorn the Proud

King Arthur

A Door in the Wall

The Apple and the Arrow

Tales of Robin Hood

Kat & the Emporer’s Gift

Secret of the Andes

Fine Print

The Apprentice

Bible Smuggler/ Vernon

Shakespeare & the Globe/Sonnets

Royal Diary: Marie Antoinette

Heart & Soul: Story of Florence Nightingale

Commodore Perry in the Land of Shogun

Broken Song

Year of Impossible Goodbyes

The Breadwinner

Catching Their Talk in A Box


Or do the Core 2 history and Core 7 Literature for your oldest.

Edited by amtmcm
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Thanks so much...


yes- that is why it didn't seem such a stretch to do Alt 7- but how to afford it all! :confused: that is another question.


It is so easy to just add in books... but I feel that we are lacking in the discussion and research-another reason the SL guide is appealing to me.


I want meaty books for him with notes and discussion. I believe he has read at least 8 of the advanced readers for Core 2- some several times.


I am still pondering and so appreciate any feedback.


Also- too much violence in books isn't good for us over here... we had some trouble with the Redwall book: Martin the Warrior.


Thanks for "talking" with me about this...


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I just finished core 2 and Core 6 with my girls. Alt.7 is just Core 6 and Core 7 combined to make a one year program instead of 2 yrs. for world history. We love world history so we went with the two year version. If you're not sure if it's right for your 10 yr. old get one of the books from the list and have him read it and see how his comprehension is. Although if you just beef up core 2 for him so he can stay with the other kids it might be more fun being able to do projects together that go along with the core. Too many choices!

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If you choose to do core 2 - your younger kids could use the 2 readers (intermediate or advanced), but what would you use for your 10 yo? You could add in your own reader list, but it seems that you are looking to streamline things and want the SL schedule and reader questions.


Are you really set on doing world history? You've probably had your fill of American history if you've been doing HOD, however, it seems that SL 3 or 4 would be a better fit if you want to combine all your kids. Your youngers could read the SL 3 lit or use the 2 readers (guide inc. schedule and discussion questions is only $5).


Assuming your 10 yo is going into 5th grade? Then you could do


5th core 3

6th core 4

7th core 6

8th core 7


I'm thinking this would be perfect for your 9 yo, but your 7 yo would always be a little stretched. However, you said that child is an advanced reader. You could always adjust reading (fewer books, some hands-on), too. I think it might be helpful to not only consider what they want to study now but to also include long-term planning. You may not stick with SL for that long, but it still helps to have a plan.


I feel your pain, I've got 6 with one entering high school next year. I think we'll be doing 3 cores - however, I'm going to try and have my oldest 3 working fairly independently (core 6 and 200). My younger girls will do a core together. It helps that I've already done core 1, so I'm familiar with the books. But still, thinking of next year kind of makes my eyes cross - I wonder if I'll be able to do it. I just don't want to combine my youngers (6 and 8 next year) into core 6.


I love Sonlight, I really do, but I have been thinking of MFW just for the ease of combining. Have you looked into that program? It doesn't have everything that SL has (scheduled readers and all those wonderful books!), but it has the book basket concept which might be perfect for your advanced readers. It could free up a lot of your time for your littlest ones.


Just thoughts. I hope you find the right thing for your family. Don't be discouraged - it will all come together! :grouphug:

Edited by sandra in va
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Thank you all so much!


I am pretty decided on going with Core 2 with the advanced readers and Science 2 for the three boys. I will try it! I think I will know pretty quickly if it is not for us.


I am just hoping my oldest son will be challenged enough.



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Thank you so much!

It is comforting to "hear" from another mom of 6!!!


You are right- I don't want to do Core 3 right now cause we just spent a year and a half in Bigger Hearts (which I even enriched with extra books on American History).


I have looked at MFW and it is just not a good fit for my teaching style and our family groove. Unfortunately.


I just saw that someone thought maybe to do Core 2 with Core 7 literature for my oldest? Does anyone have any thoughts about that?


Sandra- thanks so much for these encouraging words!!!


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Thank you all so much!


I am pretty decided on going with Core 2 with the advanced readers and Science 2 for the three boys. I will try it! I think I will know pretty quickly if it is not for us.


I am just hoping my oldest son will be challenged enough.



And SL has a 18? week guarantee, use it if it doesn't fit return it. Do read the guidelines carefully though

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I think your decision sounds wonderful! SL 2 will be great for your kids and it will be wonderful to have them all in one program. I think you could definitely add in some of core 7 literature for your oldest. You may not be interested in this, but just in case - if you want the questions/schedule, you'll have to buy the core 7 IG b/c it is not separated out like in the lower cores. You may also want to consider adding in some of the core 6 readers b/c core 2 starts with medieval period which is in core 6. :)


As I've been researching this for next year, I've found a couple of things that might interest you - Calvert sells a workbook that goes with A Child's History of the World. It gives outlines for each chapter with blanks the kids fill in, as well as some puzzles and activities. They use it for grade 4 at Calvert. It might add a little meat for your oldest. Check it out here -





Also, if you like some hands-on things added in, Handle on the Arts has activities that correlate to core 2. You can see it here -




Hope you have a great year!

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I think it depends on how advanced your advanced 10 year old really is. My DD would have been bored to tears with Core 2. I went the other way. We started with ancient so I had her in Core 6 and just changed out a few books and had the youngers in Core 1. I used the same SOTW from the higher core with the correlation for CHOW and just bought what I wanted of the younger core piecemeal over the year because I had the free shipping from the core purchase, I also used my library for many of the readers (I eventually bought them because I have youngers kids still to come). My older will do 6, 7, and 100 over the same period my youngers will do 1-4 to keep them in the same time frame for extra activites, DVD's, and such. I focused on my older because she needs the retention. My youngers will get another run through later, with more detail and retention then.


I second getting a few books from the library and looking at what the level really is for your oldest. Also consider what books your library has. Ours had almost none of the higher core but almost all of the lowers, with many of the read alouds on CD.

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Wow. This adds food for thought! I never thought of putting him in Core 6.

He really is advanced and I am worried he will not be challenged.

When I look at the reading level for the books in Core 6/Alt. 7 he is fully capable- but I also heed the warnings on maturity and content in the older cores.


Then I have all the children to consider and I wanted to be stream-lined, etc.

But you are so right that the youngers will get another "go through"...



Thank you Melmichigan for chiming in here.


Sandra- Thank you so much for those links and ideas!

I can't wait to look at them later!


P.S. I hope all you moms are having a great Mother's Day!!!


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