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At a homeschool convention... late night, last minute, kindergarten LA help!!!


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My five year old DD will be starting kindergarten in the fall. She is reading on a fourth grade level. We are finishing ETC 3 and she gets 100% on every page.


I'm pretty set on Sonlight for history and literature with their second grade readers.


Miquon and Singapore for math.


But, LA. Help! I looked today at CLE 1st Language and it looked good. I also looked at Rod and Staff English 2 and it looked like it wouldn't be too hard. Even Sonlights 2nd grade LA looked pretty doable.


Anywhere else I should look tomorrow? I'm considering ordering the CLE at the convention in the morning. I have exactly seven hours to make the decision. Any late night help????? Please???

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My daughter was reading at a high grade level from an early age, but she still likes books at her emotional level. We did do a 2nd grade level science book for K that she read and enjoyed (she loves science and reads above grade level science books), but for other books she liked board books or ones at her level emotionally. She also reads instructions for me, I hate reading instructions and she likes it and likes to be helpful.


I would pick books that she would enjoy and not worry about matching reading grade level too much.


Maybe FLL? We're loving MCT but it's not for a K student, we did FLL 1 and half of 2 before we started MCT, it was a good lead in.


Also, you could pick up a set of the McGuffey 1879 readers, the ones with the blue and orange covers. They are $37 at amazon, so don't buy unless they are reasonable. The earlier 1836 brown Mott Media ones are not phonetic and are not a good reading resource. You could also use the McGuffey speller, it's laid out like Webster and can be used in the same way, there is at least one person here using the McGuffey speller for reading and spelling.

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I agree w/the above poster. And I am another one who had an early and fluent reader. For K, we just got to enjoy good books and reading about science and s.s. type subjects, since I didn't need to focus on teaching her to read. I had her do copywork on all topics to work on handwriting, and at one point in the year did a handwriting workbook too.


I started in R&S 1st grade towards the end of the year. She skipped the 1st unit and started w/the long vowels. Yes, she already understood the rules. Yes, the reading was super easy for her, but she still got tons out of the program.


She started the R&S english 2 for 2nd grade. yes, she had known and completely understood nouns and verbs since she was 3. But I didn't want to overload her on writing daily. So even though it is simple for her, she still works through grade level on the L.A. stuff. Her writing for other subjects and her reading levels are still ahead. But I do not regret not starting her earlier. The work towards the end of R&S 2 (we are doing units 5 and 6 now) are pretty much on target. She is having to look up vocab words in the dictionary, copy them, and figure out what Bible verses mean with those words in them. That would not be fun for a 5 yr old. She is working on writing descriptive paragraphs. We are enjoying these topics. At the younger ages we got to enjoy more following our interests and reading tons of good books and doing lots of crafts. K was kind of a freebie year for her!

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What did you decide???


Oh the joys of choosing curriculum or not!


Thanks for asking. I didn't. I looked at how much money I would save to order at the convention and decided I might as well wait. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with CLE. That's the only full program I see that will really work. Either that, or I'll do a combination of AAS, ETC, and handwriting.


I will say, CLE looked even better in person that it does online. The people working the booth were very helpful and kind. It left me with a very good impression.

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Thanks for asking. I didn't. I looked at how much money I would save to order at the convention and decided I might as well wait. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with CLE. That's the only full program I see that will really work. Either that, or I'll do a combination of AAS, ETC, and handwriting.


I will say, CLE looked even better in person that it does online. The people working the booth were very helpful and kind. It left me with a very good impression.


Well, it sounds like you're making a well informed decision. That in itself will save you lots of money. I think you made a wise move.


I think I can identify with you just a bit, although my pre-schooler is not on a 4th grade reading level. I'm in the process of what all I'm deciding for my youngest (Kindergarten) - sorting out all the wants from the needs. I'm also considering CLE versus other resources.


Best wishes as you make your final decision.

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