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It's ironic

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One of the reasons we are homeschooling is to ... ok, I'll just say it - shelter our kids a little from the undesirable influences, aka kids from families who don't share our values. In other words, I don't want my kids coming home with potty mouths and my daughter talking about who's going out with who in the 3rd grade. But, that's not the point of my post. Last night we're eating dinner and 4 year old dd asks, "mommy, does 'hit' rhyme with 'sh--'?" I'm a little aghast, but I calmly ask, "Did you just make that word up or did you hear it some where?" She answers, a little puzzled, "I heard it." "Where did you hear it from?" "Church! Someone called me that." I asked who said that word, an adult or a child and she said it was a child, but she didn't know the kid's name. I suspect I know who it is. (we go to a very small church). I just had to laugh, although I am quite upset, that the one place you should be able to take your kid without worrying is the place my kids are learning profanity.

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Overheard one of the boys in the dugout the other night, "I had a dream about Lady Gaga." :blink: These kids are 8 and 9!


Kids hear things everywhere. I've learned that it's got little/nothing to do with race, class, income level or education level (of family), church or religious affiliation or geographic location. This goes for good and bad, often the opposite of what you might "expect."


Some days you just go :001_huh:

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I get what you're saying, but here's another side. We are not religious; my brother and his family are extremely devout Baptists. His two sons kindly taught my kids about prostitution - a little something they picked up in their bible class - on one of their visits. :glare: Who should be shielding who from whom?

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the one place you should be able to take your kid without worrying is the place my kids are learning profanity.


Unless there is a significant amount of adult supervision, I have never believed church is all that different from other group settings.

Kids are kids. When you get that many of them together you can be almost certain that *someone* has been exposed to something inappropriate.

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