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What are you doing for 3rd grade next year?

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Finally made a decision! My 3rd grader will be doing:


Heart of Dakota's Bigger Hearts for His Glory

First Language Lessons 2

Writing With Ease 2

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek 1

Rod & Staff Spelling 3

Sonlight Intermediate 2 Readers

MathUSee Beta

Song School Latin

Edited by Donna T.
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I enjoy these threads, it's helps me to make sure I haven't forgotten something.



My Mother-in-law comes over once a week for bible and cursive.



Math Mammoth 4a & b

Chess Club







Spelling Workout C






? Might have him take a resource class depending on scheduling



? Haven't narrowed down the program I want to use yet



YMCA once a week (swimming/Gym), Team Sports (Basketball/Baseball)



Piano Lessons & Resource Class



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My ds will be using the following for his 3rd grade year.



Heart of Dakota Bigger---Includes History, Bible, Geography, Poetry, Dictation, Narration, Copywork

Extension Package added in as Read Alouds



SL Regular Readers 2 (If he finishes these early I will get some American History books to read)



CLE Math - Finish 2 then start 3






Cheerful Cursive



Finish Writing with Ease 2, start Writing with Ease 3 or Writing Tales


Missionary Studies

Missionary Stories with the Millers, From Akebu to Zapotec, and other stuff as I add it in.


Now I am going to stay off of these message boards for the rest of the year as much as possible so I don't change my mind:lol:!

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Hi Summer! :seeya: It looks like we will be a few months behind you. I saw you on the HOD boards. Isn't it amazing how much is included in the HOD guides?:hurray:


Hello:). HOD does look amazing! I am amazed at all the subjects we will be covering with HOD. I am really looking forward to the wonderful history notebook my kids will be making. It is crazy because I never even considered HOD before. I had looked at the website but was not impressed at all. But I finally got a catalog in the mail, and I was like, "Oh....Wow!":D. I hope you have a great year, and I look forward to hearing how you are liking HOD.

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  • 1 month later...

Every day:


Grammar: FLL3


Spelling: AAS 3


Handwriting: HWOT Cursive (my son has dysgraphia and this works well for him)


Writing: CW Primer, hopefully moving to Aesop A the second half of the year, unless his dysgraphia gets in the way


Math: Singapore 3A and 3B, with MCP math as a supplement and books from the Living Math booklist


Latin: Latina Christiana I and II (we will probably finish I half way through the year)


Science: Elemental Science Biology, along with weekly Nature Study using Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock and the Outdoor Hour Challenges at http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/


Once a week:

Classical Studies: Famous Men of Greece, free online version at www.mainlesson.com along with the Greenleaf study guide


US History and Geography: CM inspired reading schedule, lesson plans and literature selections from Elizabeth Foss's site 4 Real learning site:



Religion: A Child's Bible History by Schuster, Catholic Mosaic book suggestions


Art: Drawing with Children, although I have also been looking at Atelier


Picture Study/Music Appreciation: Ambleside Online schedule


Poetry and Memory Work: Selections from The Harp and Laurel Wreath and Living Memory


Literature: Black Ships Before Troy and D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths, with free reading time everyday with books from Ambleside, Mater Amabilis, Tanglewood and WTM.



I am trying to implement the Latin Centered Curriculum this year, at least in spirit. Looking at this list makes me think I need to weed some things out, sigh.

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History/Geography: SOTW2 w/ AG

Our American Heritage

Complete Book of American History

Complete Book of Geography and Maps

Science: WTM-based using Snap Circuits 750 with Study Guide, Fun with Atoms and Molecules, & Kitchen Chemistry

Health: Abeka Health, Safety and Manners

Math: CLE Math 300 and various Cuisenaire books and math games

Spelling: Spelling Workout C& D

LA's: Rod and Staff English 3

Handwriting: Copywork and narrations as well as Penmanship Mastery

Latin: Song School Latin

Bible: AWANAS handbook

Music: Piano Lessons and composer studies

Art: appreciation per WTM and ArtPac 3 for fun

PE: Unit studies of various sports, swimming lessons, possibly martial arts


Wow, that looks like a lot. The American History will be covered as an introduction prior to our family vacation in Charleston, SC. Geography and Maps is a "fun" subject for DS. Science is fun for us and health is required by the state.

Edited by m0mmaBuck
because I accidentally posted prematurely
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I have seen everyother grade, havent seen a 3rd:D




My youngest will be in 3rd grade this year. (Starting in early July, so we can be all done by April when my severe tree pollen allergies start.)





  • Monthly Spanish memory verse and English memory passage

  • Read together with me and his 5th grade sister from OT (M-TH) or NT (F). Oral narration and discussion

  • Read a Psalm alone. Tell me 1-2 things from it (M-F)

  • Daily written narration, ~ 1 paragraph (He prefers to write about Bible rather than history, science, or literature/reading, because the Bible passages are usually shorter and he doesn't have as much to write.)



  • Singapore PM 3A/3B (US edition with 3rd edition textbooks)

  • Singapore TPS (old version of Challenging Word Problems. I still have it from when his teen brothers used it in 3rd grade.) 1 page per day

  • Math facts: He will copy a times table 3 times per day, M-Th (all the 2's for example). On Friday he will complete a math worksheet with multiplication and division problems from the table he has been copying and from review tables



  • Sequential Spelling: Finish book 1, start book 2 (We started book 1 around January because his older sister needed a lot of help with spelling, and I figured they might as well do it together. They both enjoy it, and it is helping her a lot, so we will continue. He actually spells well and doesn't need it, though.)

  • Rod and Staff English 3

  • Dictation 3x a week. Copywork 2x week. (from books we are reading, and books I would like to read but won't be able to fit in)

  • Daily poem

  • Various assigned reading, mostly from AO year 3, with oral narration (CM style, everything he can remember)

  • Daily 30 min free reading



  • Rod and Staff Spanish Reading (reader and workbook), levels C&D (2nd grade, for native Spanish speakers--his Spanish vocabulary isn't up to the 3rd grade Spanish reader yet)

  • Weekly Spanish read aloud with oral narration and Spanish dictation



  • A Child's History of the World

  • various missionary biographies

  • various other biographies

  • map work related to history/geography reading



  • BJU Science 3

  • Weekly nature journal (observe, draw, look up in field guides or Handbook of Nature Study, label drawing, write a few sentences about what was observed)

Fine Arts:


  • Monthly hymn--listen to daily, sometimes sing along

  • Monthly folk song, same procedure

  • Monthly composer--listen to daily, possibly read picture biography

  • Picture Study: Diego Velasquez, Mary Casset, John Singer Sargent--6 pictures each, 2 weeks per picture. Look at picture daily, finding something new each time. Discuss informally. At end of 2 weeks, sketch picture, trying to include as many features as possible. Compare to original, noting what was omitted or added. Sometimes read picture biography in addition


Continue with--taking out downstairs trash, take out recyclables as needed, occasional sweeping and table clearing

Improve on--room cleaning, bed making, putting away clean clothes correctly, putting dirty clothes in laundry basket

Learn--mopping, bathroom cleaning

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Read a Psalm alone. Tell me 1-2 things from it (M-F)



I like this! I have been debating what I will do w/my 3rd for Bible next year. She took a co-op class this year, which was wonderful. But I don't know if another will be available next year, or if the teacher will just re do the same one. My 1st grader will be doing R&S 1st grade reading which is Bible, but of course my 3rd grader already did that when she was in 1st.


I just love when people post their plans. It really can help me sort out some new plans. I may just steal your idea!

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BIBLE: Studying God's Word D from CLP, alongside CLP My Memory Book with his sister and I.


Math: Finish Saxon 3 and start Saxon 5/4, Evan Moor Daily Word Problems


LA: Easy Grammar 3, Daily Grams, and I am teaching him writing using Comprehensive Composition as my guide. Also A Reason for Handwriting C


Spelling: AVKO Sequential Spelling


Classical Language: Hey Andrew Greek Level 3



-Finish up Windows Vista Book, start a Networking Book if we can find a similar visual guide to it.

- Continue with Scratch COmputer Programming with my husband as the guide

- He will be taking a Lego Mechinics course at our local Homelink

- Lego Mindstorms Robotics with my dh


HISTORY: Use the library, and just read books, and listen to Read Alouds, and add them to a timeline. Non Scheduled


SCIENCE: Minstorms, and the Lego Mechanics class will cover some Science. Also my husband watches documentaries with the kids, and my son reads large fat Science encyclopedias for fun. We might do some experiements now and then. Non Scheduled.


READING: He reads voraciously and I choose his books carefully. Not much fluff. I also read aloud to my children an hour per day from Sonlight, Veritas, and other good books that I get at the library.


We will only do about 2.5 hours of formal schooling every day. We are happy, it works, and it is inexpensive. My son gets to pursue his interests, and have plenty of time to be a child, and enjoy the great outdoors or play pretend with his sister.


I finally just got over the whole idea of scheduled history, literature, and Science, and it has been working beautifully for us, for a year now.

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My own writing plan for 1/2 the year with word blocks for sentence forming, some diagramming, quoting, writing from pictures, poetry, and basic outlining.

K12 Writing in Action Level A

Spelling from passages

Spelling Essentials to study rules

Vocabulary Cartoons or Word Roots

Wordly Wise 3000 online

Reading Detective Beginning (love this!)

$1 Cursive workbook

30min free reading per day



finish Teaching Textbooks 3

Math Logic and Word Problems 3rd/4th grade

begin Teaching Textbooks 5

Hands-on Equations unit 1, maybe unit 2



Balance Benders Beginning and Book 1

Build Thinking Skills CDRom

Perplexors A



Early Modern Period

Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History




with siblings

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