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If you won the lottery and got $50 million

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We've talked about this before. And what I had to say was simple. I want nothing to do with it. Whatever happens with the money is up to my husband. And pretty much he would spend it on those who were less fortunate.

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Intend, *ahem* , yes, still in intention stage.


The booklet has a trillion recipes for soy and soy blend milks, but it also has a few for other bean, nut and grain milks, so I'll be fiddling around with them, when I get to it. The main purpose is to try and find a recipe that uses flax seeds, as a reliable way to get some omega 3s into ourselves. Flax oil tastes nasty and requires refrigeration, whereas the seeds, as long as they are whole, don't.




Hey Rosie, if flax seed oil tastes nasty it is rancid, and I have never yet opened a bottle that wasn't rancid. It tastes sweet and bland if its ok- usually they are beginningt go bitter by the time you get them. It cannot handle heat at all, or light, and rancidises very quickly. It shouldnt really be made into an oil- I know many naturopaths who wont recommend or use it. I think the same would be if you made it into a milk- the oil would go rancid very quickly. Sorry to be a downer! Flaxseed oil has been shown to increase risk of prostate cancer and to have distinct hormonal effects as well. I amsing it to make flax crackers because nothing else works as well, but I dont tend to use it for anything else.

I prefer chia seeds, which are similar in nutritional value, with all the good oils, but actually easier to use and so far, no bad press! I add them to smoothies and in particular, they make a great pudding. Just blend them with some fruit, and then put in bowls and refrigerate and it will "set". And chia has virtualyl no flavour. You can sprinkle it on things too.

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It shouldnt really be made into an oil- I know many naturopaths who wont recommend or use it.{/quote]


Interesting, thanks!


I think the same would be if you made it into a milk- the oil would go rancid very quickly.


I didn't think it would be an issue, since we'd be using it right away, not storing it (being fridge free ;) ) What do you think? The reason I was trying for this idea is that the kids aren't big enough to chew the seeds, so they go right through them.


I prefer chia seeds, which are similar in nutritional value, with all the good oils, but actually easier to use and so far, no bad press! I add them to smoothies and in particular, they make a great pudding. Just blend them with some fruit, and then put in bowls and refrigerate and it will "set". And chia has virtualyl no flavour. You can sprinkle it on things too.


We have them too, but they go through the kids as well. I wasn't aware they had omega 3s as well. It doesn't say so on the packets we buy, so thanks for that!




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It shouldnt really be made into an oil- I know many naturopaths who wont recommend or use it.{/quote]


Interesting, thanks!




I didn't think it would be an issue, since we'd be using it right away, not storing it (being fridge free ;) ) What do you think? The reason I was trying for this idea is that the kids aren't big enough to chew the seeds, so they go right through them.




We have them too, but they go through the kids as well. I wasn't aware they had omega 3s as well. It doesn't say so on the packets we buy, so thanks for that!





Yeah, I reckon if you drank the milk pretty quickly it would be fine.

As for linseeds or chia seeds going straight through- a normal blender should be able to powderise them the you can sprinke the powder onto cereal and stuff. You know about LSA? linseeds, sunflower and almonds. Tastes ok on toast with honey!

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