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I'm hot..I'm cold...can't sleep...I'm GOING CRAZY!

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Ok, my body is on a mission to make me insane right now. For the past month, I have been experiencing hot spells(hate to call them "hot flashes" because I am not sure that is what it is?!?)...then I get cold. I am waking up constantly at night as well unless I take a Simply Sleep.

I am 47 so I'm wondering...what is my body telling me? I have my annual scheduled but it is not until mid-July and honestly, I think I might burn up before then!

Does anyone have some advice for me? I recently starting taking a supplement from Garden of Life called Oceans 3-Menopause and Hormonal support thinking that it might help.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what is going on?

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I've had them this year, and they are miserable. It's the hottest hot I've ever been -- the heat comes from deep inside and radiates out very slowly. I've had to go out and stand on our back deck in the winter cold many times just to try to cool off.


I've never taken anything for them, but I've often wondered if it's healthy to try to endure it. The blood seems to rush to my head, and I feel as though my head is going to explode.

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I've had them this year, and they are miserable. It's the hottest hot I've ever been -- the heat comes from deep inside and radiates out very slowly. I've had to go out and stand on our back deck in the winter cold many times just to try to cool off.


I've never taken anything for them, but I've often wondered if it's healthy to try to endure it. The blood seems to rush to my head, and I feel as though my head is going to explode.


Why live through it when there may be a solution - or several? Check out Dr. Lark's website. She has all kinds of herbal supps.

I personally take Maca and have bioidentical Progesterone to help me sleep. I cannot function without sleep so I had to do something.

If you have a naturopath near you, pay them a visit. There are things that can be done and it's not necessarily synthetic hormones!

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[ Check out Dr. Lark's website. She has all kinds of herbal supps.

I personally take Maca and have bioidentical Progesterone to help me sleep. I cannot function without sleep so I had to do something.

If you have a naturopath near you, pay them a visit. There are things that can be done and it's not necessarily synthetic hormones!



What is the website for Dr. Lark? What exactly does bioidentical progesterone mean...is it something that I would be prescribed? I have seen some creams at the health food stores that is for women that you rub on your wrists? Would those be healthful? What do you take the Maca for?

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Don't forget calcium supplements. I use herbs high in calcium to keep my level up, it helps me to sleep. I had to be careful of how late I ate chocolate, for crying out loud. So also consider cutting back on caffeine

consumption in the evening. It gets worse, and better.

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