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Grammar and Reading for a 1st Reader

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Would you teach phonics for a child who reads well? I'm trying get my schedule togeather for our up coming year and I have a space blocked our for reading... But as far as teaching reading as the WTM suggests?? it seems pointless. Now grammar I get teaching that but if she's doing writing strands will it be redundant? Just looking for suggestions for people who've been there.

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I also have a 5 yr old fluent reader, and will be homeschooling 1st grade next year.


I'm skipping phonics except in conjunction with spelling, because my DD approaches unfamiliar words phonetically anyway, and is usually pretty accurate. Since it's obvious that she CAN use phonics when she needs it, I don't see much reason to put her through learning it when she's already a fluent reader. However, we are using a spelling book that includes some of the more obscure/advanced phonics rules (and DD picked it out), so she'll get reinforcement that way.


I'm not starting formal grammar with my DD next year, because, again, she's internalized the basic rules and can use it simply from reading (and Schoolhouse Rock/Brian P. Cleary books, both of which she loves), so my plan is to wait until she's a little older and go into MCT.

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Thanks for the link Lady Dusk...that brings more questions but it was still helpful. The spelling rules thing is a neato trick that I hadn't thought about. We never used OPGR. Buying it or checking it out of the library wouldn't be horrible in case I wanted to use it for my youngest. I'm now wondering a spelling program thats uses the spelling rules directly! Ahhh so many more questions!!! LOL

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I also have a 5 yr old fluent reader, and will be homeschooling 1st grade next year.


I'm skipping phonics except in conjunction with spelling, because my DD approaches unfamiliar words phonetically anyway, and is usually pretty accurate. Since it's obvious that she CAN use phonics when she needs it, I don't see much reason to put her through learning it when she's already a fluent reader. However, we are using a spelling book that includes some of the more obscure/advanced phonics rules (and DD picked it out), so she'll get reinforcement that way.


I'm not starting formal grammar with my DD next year, because, again, she's internalized the basic rules and can use it simply from reading (and Schoolhouse Rock/Brian P. Cleary books, both of which she loves), so my plan is to wait until she's a little older and go into MCT.


What a great Idea...I don't want to bore her with learning things she knows because she'll tell me plainly. But to give her something she thinks doesn't already know would be an even better idea. Do you mind me asking what spelling book your using?

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What a great Idea...I don't want to bore her with learning things she knows because she'll tell me plainly. But to give her something she thinks doesn't already know would be an even better idea. Do you mind me asking what spelling book your using?


It's Scott Foresman Spelling. DD's currently in a parochial school, and after we decided to homeschool, the principal asked me if I wanted any of the books they were getting rid of that had been sent for their review when they were doing a book adoption. DD latched on to this one, and looking at it, it seems to do a nice job of using phonics rules, but in the context of learning to spell, as opposed to learning to read.

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When dd5's reading level quickly soared beyond the phonics program we were using, I started to focus on phonics-based spelling rather than phonics for the sake of reading. I was really surprised that spelling seemed to be a skill that was independent of reading. Although she always gets 100% on her tests, she does have to work at it.

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We skipped phonics, and for a while I worried about it. But dd6's spelling and reading is fairly high level. We do SWO, which has a bit of spelling/phonics rules in it. I figured if she's already reading at grade 4+ when phonics is no longer taught, it probably wasn't necessary.


I think in LCC, Drew recommends skipping phonics once they're fluent readers--but I could be wrong. I remembered being reassured after reading it.



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AAS would work nice for transitioning to spelling. It is very gentle and you can move at the child's pace very easily. My 6 y/o is working in Level 2. He's a very strong reader and needed the same thing you are feeling your dd needs. An added bonus for him is there isn't a lot of writing.

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I am by no means an experienced home schooler. I just started this year(2010). But this is what we are doing with tremendous success.


I am using the Ordinary Parents Guide to reading by Jessie Wise, along with All About Spelling level 1 they complement each other well enough. As well as using Writing with Ease, and First Language lessons, both by Jessie Wise, all are her books are available at Peacehill Press. DD6, went from struggling with her letter sounds, to starting to read and sound out words in just a little over a month! Her comprehension is well beyond the grade 1 level, we just need to stock her mental tool box for reading and she'll be unstoppable. We are very excited with her progress as she was seriously struggling in a class room. Now she starting to blossom and i think soon there will be a full bloom!

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