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What are you using for 7th/8th grade science? Do you like it?


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Really enjoying it! It's kept science very hands-on for us, while also allowing time to go deeper with other books/videos/websites/resources in the topics we are very interested in. The TOPS units that have coordinated well with the Reader's Digest "How Science Works" include:

- Analysis (and the kit)

- Solutions

- Cohesion and Adhesion

- Heat

We didn't care for the TOPS units on Light, or on Sound. We really liked the Adventures in Science kit on Electricity.


That was for 8th grade; for 7th grade we used "How Earth Works" along with the TOPS unit and kit "Rocks & Minerals", plus a number of additional books/videos/websites/resources.



One additional resource we've used a lot to "flesh out" some of the concepts is an Abeka science textbook "Matter and Motion". Using a textbook off and on allowed us to prepare for switching over to science from a textbook in high school, but made it a gentler transition.


BEST of luck in finding what works for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.


PS -- and yes, we've loved doing science that way -- did it for both our boys the same way!

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I've found that there isn't a science curriculum I like, so I've been making my own plans. Here are my 8th and 7th grade plans for biology and earth/space science:




7th grade

Fall – Amphibians, bugs, birds, science project, nature study

Winter – Biographies, microscopes, Creation/evolution, science project, nature study

Spring – Local plants and animals, dinosaurs, science project for fair, nature study

Summer – Domestic animals, mammals, trees, science project, nature study


8th grade

Fall – Amphibians, bugs, birds, science project, nature study

Winter – Biographies, Creation/evolution, microscopes, science project, nature study

Spring – Local plants and animals, dinosaurs, life cycles, science project for fair, nature study

Summer – Nocturnal animals, domestic animals, mammals, science project, nature study




7th grade

Fall – Europe, Oceania, exploration, space travel, science project, nature study

Winter – Mercury, Venus, Mars, telescopes, biographies, science project, nature study

Spring – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, science project for fair, nature study

Summer – Mapping, fossils, rocks, shells, forests, jungles, science project, nature study


8th grade

Fall – North America, South America, exploration, space travel, science project, nature study

Winter – Mercury, Venus, Mars, telescopes, biographies, science project, nature study

Spring – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, science project for fair, nature study

Summer – Mapping, fossils, forests, rain forests, jungles, science project, nature study


My 7th grader is doing chemistry and nature study right now but I haven't got a firm plan let.

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Guest Lorna

We do science the Well Trained Mind way too. I really like the 'How...Works' series and we add in experiments and reading from popular science books. I am very confident it is giving them more than enough knowledge before they begin text books studies for their exams.

At the moment science is fun, in-depth and the way I think science should be.

We are studying chemistry currently. We are using Ellen McHenry's 'The Elements' curriculum to memorize facts and to introduce the concepts of the periodic table. We are also using Janice Van Cleave books, a chemistry set and 'The Joy of Chemistry'.

Next year, seventh grade, we shall use 'How Things Work' and 'How Science Works'.

I have a blog entry about our current studies, how they look and with links to resources (see below for a link).

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