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Bloggers--Considering starting one, some ???

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For those of you who blog, can you tell me some things.


Why do you blog?


Do you feel that you get out of it what you want (or what your original reason for doing it was)?


Do you feel that some of what you post about you only want some people to be able to read? ie: I'm thinking I want to do a homeschool related blog, but I'm not sure how much info I want family or perhaps others to read. On the other hand, maybe it would be good for them. Though, I finally know some people will never be satisfied.


Any other thoughts for a possible first time would-be blogger?


Thanks, Wooly

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I considered blogging for years, but only set one up this month. Personally, I wanted a blog because I've stunk at all the other attempts I've made to keep a record of our days :). I made mine completely private, other than my MIL and dh. I just post about things we're doing for school and creative stuff the kids are doing, like their new obsession with making stop-motion Lego and Calico Critters movies. The blog allowed me to upload the movies for grandma to see.


I need to add more things to it, like "what we're reading" and stuff like that, but I like our little blog. It's doing a good job at helping me to remember the little things in our day.

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This is what my blog is for me:


1) It's my "Dear grandma and grandpa" letter.

2) It's my scrap book of things we do and things the kids say.

3) It's a record of my menus, so I can go back to them for setting up my future menus

4) It's a non-promoted blog for friends and family to eavesdrop on. :)

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I blog for several reasons:


1. It helps me feel like part of the greater homeschooling community.

2. It keeps my writing muscles sharp while I don't have writing/editing contracts (mostly due to the economy, though 3 kids + homeschooling doesn't help!).

3. It helps me keep a record of what we've worked on.

4. It keeps me honest...with myself!

5. I enjoy feedback from others, even those who disagree with me, on methodology and results.

6. I like to make people laugh!


I've been very happy with the response to my blog and the results I've gotten from it. I've formed some nice online friendships with people, primarily through that sense of community that comes from peeking into each other's lives in a blog format.


I'm always looking for new things to write about and ways to improve my blog. For example, I just added subscription service, making it easier for people to follow my blog.

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I considered blogging for years, but only set one up this month. Personally, I wanted a blog because I've stunk at all the other attempts I've made to keep a record of our days :).


This is why I do it. Everytime I've tried to keep a journal it doesn't last long. I also type WAY faster and better than I hand-write. I tried an electronic journal once or twice but lost track of it quickly.


I also blog to keep a record of what we do, special things that happen, our homeschooling, etc. There are some people - special family members and friends - who check it out every so often but its mostly just for me.

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I do it to share ideas and get other ideas out of my head and onto a place where I can get feedback. Today I'll be posting about either cinnamon rolls or pysanky; haven't decided which. Is there a particularly good reason? Not really except that I LOOOVE my cinnamon roll recipe and the cookbook it came out of and want to share. Creating pysanky is a brand-new hobby, and I want to share that, too. It'll be a good record of things in years to come whether it ever gets a ton of followers or not :)

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Thank you for all your responses. I'm still mulling this over. Another question. Can you estimate about how much time it takes each week? I know this is hugely variable, just interested in what you all have to say.




p.s. I've been enjoying reading the blogs that have links here.:)

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This is why I do it. Everytime I've tried to keep a journal it doesn't last long. I also type WAY faster and better than I hand-write. I tried an electronic journal once or twice but lost track of it quickly.


I also blog to keep a record of what we do, special things that happen, our homeschooling, etc. There are some people - special family members and friends - who check it out every so often but its mostly just for me.




I also do it because this time last year was when I realized we were going to be homeschooling for the first time. I scoured the internet gathering "real life" information of families who were homeschooling successfully. I want to offer a peek into what we've done through the year for people who are new to the idea.


I also wanted to reassure some of my reluctant family members that my children were indeed being socialized. They're not so worried anymore. :)

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Thank you for all your responses. I'm still mulling this over. Another question. Can you estimate about how much time it takes each week? I know this is hugely variable, just interested in what you all have to say.




p.s. I've been enjoying reading the blogs that have links here.:)


I blog at least once a week. Usually Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. Generally it takes about an hour. Most of that time is uploading pics to photobucket.

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