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Is WWE alone enough writing for grades 1-4?


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I think a lot of people consider it enough, and I think it probably depends on the child. We use Writing Skills with it, and starting next year my oldest will be using MCT, so he will be doing that writing as well. That said, there is a decent chance I will have my youngest doing considerably less writing at that age. WWE may be enough on its own for him. We still have a couple years to find that out for sure though I guess.

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I'm not sure. I've used WWE 1 and am getting to the end of WWE 2 with my daughter. I love the program and think it is teaching excellent skills. I worry a little with continuing with it alone for 3rd grade though because I'd like to see the quantity of her writing pick up at that point. I'm considering continuing with WWE 3 over the summer and then maybe alternating the rest of WWE 3 with Writing Tales beginning in the fall.


My son has been taking an IEW class that is excellent and I think I'd like my daughter to be able to do that in 4th grade as well but I'm not sure she'd be prepared to do it with the minimal amount of writing she's been doing so far in WWE. Though, maybe there is a lot more writing in WWE 3?



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I really feel it's enough with a couple caveats... after WWE3 I moved my oldest into CW Aesop. I did that mostly because there isn't a WWS option yet and I would need to do something different for him after WWE4 anyway. Seemed like moving him into Aesop would be a good move.


We also narrate in history and science so the kids are getting more writing experience there.


I also use a grammar program along WWE and I think that has been a good move. My oldest ds is more than prepared for Aesop with the grammar he's had. Looking at Homer he'll also be sitting really nicely for that with the grammar we're doing this year.

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I think it's enough. I do not think you need to add another writing curriculum.


At the beginning of this year, I had my 4th grader doing WWE and IEW History-Based Writing Lessons. I wouldn't have had her doing IEW, but I thought that since her older two sisters were doing it, and since she's a fairly bright kid, it would be a good idea. Wrong! It was major overkill. We are doing just the WWE, along with SOTW written narrations, A Reason for Handwriting, and FLL. It's plenty.


My 1st grader does WWE, FLL, A Reason for Handwriting, and oral narrations in history and science (sometimes I write them down). That's plenty for him.

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(ClaysKim here from HK)


I think through 3rd grade it's enough. Though we do lots of narration outside of WWE through 3rd grade as well. In 4th grade they start doing "pre outlining" of doing a one sentence per paragraph of some history and science readings. We also do some of the writing assignments in Writing Aids though I tend to not be into the more creative ones in 4th. As Frankie's moving into 5th grade now he will start doing basic outlining and summarizing as well as some WA assignments, though even those tend to be more expository in nature. So anyways, basically I started preoutlining via WTM in 4th grade alongside WWE4 (which does written summaries/narrations). That way we can move straight into pure outlining and summarizing with some TOG Writing Aids stuff over the course of the year.

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I'll be the lone dissenter. Nope.

Daily journaling plus some work using Write Source materials as a guide. I know SWB says that in the end the writing product is the same. However she doesn't address how writing and reading are mutually supportive. I respect her work a great deal, however her background and training deal with people who already know how to read, not those who are learning how to read. Work in one benefits the other. Better readers=better writers. Better writers make better readers.

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(ClaysKim here from HK)


I think through 3rd grade it's enough. Though we do lots of narration outside of WWE through 3rd grade as well. In 4th grade they start doing "pre outlining" of doing a one sentence per paragraph of some history and science readings. We also do some of the writing assignments in Writing Aids though I tend to not be into the more creative ones in 4th. As Frankie's moving into 5th grade now he will start doing basic outlining and summarizing as well as some WA assignments, though even those tend to be more expository in nature. So anyways, basically I started preoutlining via WTM in 4th grade alongside WWE4 (which does written summaries/narrations). That way we can move straight into pure outlining and summarizing with some TOG Writing Aids stuff over the course of the year.


Thanks. We have been doing narrations for science and history and I will plan on adding outlining. My older ones use IEW so we do KWO with that but I think we should add some regular outlinig with our history and science too.

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I'll be the lone dissenter. Nope.

Daily journaling plus some work using Write Source materials as a guide. I know SWB says that in the end the writing product is the same. However she doesn't address how writing and reading are mutually supportive. I respect her work a great deal, however her background and training deal with people who already know how to read, not those who are learning how to read. Work in one benefits the other. Better readers=better writers. Better writers make better readers.

I agree. :blush: Like it a LOT but it's not enough.... I think. :confused: We're adding in IEW.

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However she doesn't address how writing and reading are mutually supportive. ... her background and training deal with people who already know how to read, not those who are learning how to read. Work in one benefits the other.


What makes you think this? I just ask, because my understanding from WTM is that learning to read, penmanship, copywork/dictation, narration, spelling, and grammar all should be supporting each other in the early stages of learning. And in the beginning of WWE, the teacher reads the selection to the child - I think it's not until level 3 that the child reads the passage to himself. WWE seems to me to be very supportive of kids who are still learning to read.

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