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3 day cc practicum questions

Amy in KS

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I've been doing CC at home this year. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to do the "free" 3 day practicum. For me, it would involve enrolling three kids in the program($99). This would cut into my curriculum budget. Did you find the info highly valuable? What do you learn?

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I've been doing CC at home this year. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to do the "free" 3 day practicum. For me, it would involve enrolling three kids in the program($99). This would cut into my curriculum budget. Did you find the info highly valuable? What do you learn?


Well, I will be completely honest here and say that the 3 day practicum I went to last year was enough to make me not want to tutor at CC again, because you always have to go to one each year (you have to go to tutor training, anyway, which is in the afternoons of the practicum, and our practicums were far away). In the mornings, the lady talked about the classical method of homeschooling. She said absolutely nothing that I did not already know or could not have found out by simply reading just one book like the WTM. She was a bit condescending, assuming that no one really had any clue, and she was passing down pearls of wisdom from on high that would radically transform our homeschooling.


My kids were in the child programs, and while the programs were good and well-run, they were way. too. long. My nursery-aged children were totally fried by the end of the 3 days. My 3 year-old just refused to go to play camp the third day, after having an accident the second day (HIGHLY unusual for her). She ended up sitting with me for the practicum part, as well as the tutor training. My first grader was having episodes in the afternoon where he was just putting his head down on the desk and crying. They would take him to the hallway, he would calm down, and then he would be fine for a little while longer. But the whole program lasted from 9:00-4:00, and we lived an hour away, so the days were so very, very long for the kids. I don't know how old your kids are, but if they are younger than 3rd grade, I would not do it. It is so weird to me that a homeschooling group would think it was a good idea to take kids who are not in school all day, and put them in a school environment for 3 entire days. VERY stressful for them. By the third day, there were a bunch of tutors hovering in the back of the classroom, going out in the halls, etc. with their little kids who were in the same boat as mine. I kept wondering why no one in charge seemed to notice. It's TOO LONG!!!


When I thought about doing CC a second year (and I have to tutor to make it financially feasible), the thought of having to go to another parent practicum pretty much made me break out in hives. It was all stress, with no benefit. I would NEVER do it again!

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Thank you! That was very insightful. I was wondering about their intended audience. It sounds like it's for people not familiar with classical education in general. I would hate to be spoonfed information that I've already read about extensively. It sounds like it would be a lot to ask of my two younger kids, too.

Edited by amy in ks
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I do think it's a long day for kiddos, especially if they're not in school all day :) That being said, it can be a fun time. After the morning time, if they don't have a rest time for your kids, I think it's a great place for things like Leap pads with ear buds, or some tv with ear buds... and your child just lying next to you. I'm not saying that's officially "CC" sanctioned, just that some of the parents I've seen... do that. Then your little one can just have a "rest period" for the afternoon... and be ready to go the next day. Or, like I'm planning, your little ones can stay with grandparents? friends that you'll owe? :) If you have friends that can trade out during lunch, that'd be perfect for most kids.... Through 1pm isn't bad.... actually fun... it's the afternoon.... Just my thoughts! (by the Writing Class.... and maybe even the Geo... kids are usually fine....)


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I didn't attend last year, but was a substitute tutor. I have to attend next year, as I will be tutoring. I am dreading it because the locations are very far. I live in a big metro area and the locations are at least hour away from me in more obscure areas. Thi is disappointing to me.


But I have arranged for my MIL to keep my DD, because I don't feel comfortable leaving her with strangers. So she should be happy at least-lol!

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Well, I will be completely honest here and say that the 3 day practicum I went to last year was enough to make me not want to tutor at CC again, because you always have to go to one each year (you have to go to tutor training, anyway, which is in the afternoons of the practicum, and our practicums were far away). In the mornings, the lady talked about the classical method of homeschooling. She said absolutely nothing that I did not already know or could not have found out by simply reading just one book like the WTM. She was a bit condescending, assuming that no one really had any clue, and she was passing down pearls of wisdom from on high that would radically transform our homeschooling.


My kids were in the child programs, and while the programs were good and well-run, they were way. too. long. My nursery-aged children were totally fried by the end of the 3 days. My 3 year-old just refused to go to play camp the third day, after having an accident the second day (HIGHLY unusual for her). She ended up sitting with me for the practicum part, as well as the tutor training. My first grader was having episodes in the afternoon where he was just putting his head down on the desk and crying. They would take him to the hallway, he would calm down, and then he would be fine for a little while longer. But the whole program lasted from 9:00-4:00, and we lived an hour away, so the days were so very, very long for the kids. I don't know how old your kids are, but if they are younger than 3rd grade, I would not do it. It is so weird to me that a homeschooling group would think it was a good idea to take kids who are not in school all day, and put them in a school environment for 3 entire days. VERY stressful for them. By the third day, there were a bunch of tutors hovering in the back of the classroom, going out in the halls, etc. with their little kids who were in the same boat as mine. I kept wondering why no one in charge seemed to notice. It's TOO LONG!!!


When I thought about doing CC a second year (and I have to tutor to make it financially feasible), the thought of having to go to another parent practicum pretty much made me break out in hives. It was all stress, with no benefit. I would NEVER do it again!



I completely agree. I only went one - to do the tutor training and we are no longer doing CC but it was horrible. There was another woman I ended up chatting with because we both were just sick of being treated like we were too dumb to know anything. Any time we did have a question or asked for additional information (we were tutoring 4/5 year olds and nothing they said was worthwhile for that age) we would get the proverbial pat on the head with the 'you will be surprised. It will be fine'. UGH. Plus as someone who uses Veritas Press history, I also got sick of hearing how they use VP cards but wish the company would get smart and realize how much better CC's order and approach is. I found it very tacky to continually slam a company they do business with.


CC materials have a lot of benefit. Doing it at home can be excellent because you can distance yourself from some of the politics and stress that come with being under an organization. Going to the training would just be putting yourself in that stress with very little reward. There are enough people on WTM who use or have used it that if you need ideas for presenting the materials you can get it here.



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The 1st responder shared her experience.

and that would turn anybody off - even me...





I had not attended two Practicums that were absolutely great and great experiences for my children. The only issue for me was the first day of our 2nd practicum. My youngest has/had separation anxiety so we ease her into new situations. Her class leader was not very understanding and really turned me off. But I noticed other parents had similar issues. We had a general feeling about this individual's personality. She was somewhat "raw" not really abrasive because she was friendly and engaging - but she expected the children to just be dropped off and participate. Some people need to be handled gently and that is my youngest - very sensitive and to her credit reads people well. Most adults don't expect a child to be so perceptive.


I later discovered that the tutor & her fam wouldn't return to CC. So I haven't had any isues.


My children enjoyed it immensely and we had great presenters. I feel for those who have not so great communities. And all who attended the practicums didn't join CC -they come from all over.


We enjoyed it but clearly people have different expectations.


I have attended two practicums. We've had age appropriate fun and learning and breaks for the little ones at both. My children were 5 and 8 at their 1st Prac. My youngest could be with me if needed brought crayons coloring pages, snack etc...


It really depends - if you don't feel it's an investment -don't go.


We looked at it as 3 days of camp and where I live camps can run you 300+ a week per child 1/2 days are atleast $165 per child.

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Just thought of something If the leadership of your local CC is new the classical ed. or gives the impression that the attendees are not knowledgeable that could affect how the presenters come across. Not saying it's ok but...

it's one way of looking at it.


Maybe they asked about the "make-up" of their audience and were told many are unfamiliar with CC.


Some people just feel comfortable themselves when speaking to a group to act like they are speaking to a group of two year olds. It's less intimidating ha ha

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We went to the practicum last year and will be going again this year.


I found it very useful as I was new to CC and fairly new to the classical style. It was a long three days for kids. My oldest did well- I just planned on very low-key evenings those days and nothing else the rest of the week for them to re-coop. My youngest was still taking naps so after lunch I would have her come sit with me. She snuggled on my lap and would rest- some times she napped. She still takes naps this year so I'll probably have her join me after lunch again- I'll bring some quiet books if she doesn't want to sleep.

I guess it would depend on the personality of your children and how well your practicum is ran- two big variables.

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I enjoyed our practicum last year and I'm looking forward to it this year. We had great speakers! I didn't take my kids with me, but my friends older children seemed to be doing fine. As others have said, it seemed like a long day for the younger ones.


Not only did I enjoy the speakers at our meetings, I also enjoyed the fellowship with other moms.


My 2 cents. :)

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