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First day of MCT

Carpe Diem

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Our materials arrived today. My younger DD is LOVING this book. I am so surprised. We read over 50 pages of the grammar book today. She wanted to do more tonight before bedtime. My older dd who is preteen sort of scoffed at the title. I know she would find a few things to learn if she would give it a chance.


Looking forward to more MCT tomorrow.


I love the Hive.

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Can you explain to me how MCT is set up? I see that so many of you love it and I don't have a clue what it is. What are we missing, it sounds like fun?


You can find out a lot here by searching for "MCT." There is also an MCTLA yahoo group. If you look here you can see the levels of Michael Clay Thompson's language arts programs: Royal Fireworks. It typically starts at a 3rd/4th grade level.


In short, (at least in the early levels) it is a non-traditional method of studying grammar which is introduced through a book you read together with your child. MCT has a four level analysis: 1) parts of speech 2) parts of sentence 3) phrases 4) clauses. Through the initial book you learn what all of these are and then you practice using the practice book...sentences that you break down using the above process. In addition to the grammar, the program includes books on vocabulary, poetry, and writing. The books are interwoven, building on each other and hence deepening the understanding of concepts learned.

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