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What's the best discount I'm going to get on TOG??

plain jane

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They currently have a sale for 50% off WA if you purchase an entire year plan. Since, I'm planning to by Y3 and WA, this suits me just fine. But, I'm wondering if there is a better time to be buying TOG? Do they have better sales or is $25 about as good as it's gonna get?


I did see their $20 Y4 a few weeks back but I don't need Y4 quite yet. Is that about the extent of their sales??

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When I bought my print edition of Year Two earlier this year I think they had an extra bonus in the Bonus Bundle. I'd have to go dig out my receipt again, but I think that normally the Bonus Bundle lets you pick one thing extra like Evaluations, Pop Quiz, Lapbooks, etc. They had some sale going on where you could pick two. I picked Pop Quiz and Lapbooks. I have no idea how often they offer this or any other sale. I've never tracked it.

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They currently have a sale for 50% off WA if you purchase an entire year plan. Since, I'm planning to by Y3 and WA, this suits me just fine. But, I'm wondering if there is a better time to be buying TOG? Do they have better sales or is $25 about as good as it's gonna get?


I did see their $20 Y4 a few weeks back but I don't need Y4 quite yet. Is that about the extent of their sales??


I think that $25 off (given in different forms) is about as good a deal as you can get. I saw 1/2 off WA last year and got tired of waiting for it this year so I bought my stuff w/o the sale. So if it helps, they do seem to repeat the deals every year.


Bookshelf doesn't seem to have regular sales. This winter they had a dent and ding sale that was 50-70% off "damaged" books. I say "damaged" because I had to search for what possibly could be wrong with most of them. If that was a yearly thing it would be great but I don't know if it is.:confused:

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I recall that there was a discounted sale last summer from BC, but I was not able to purchase at that time and was really bummed out. Somehow I thought that there is a sale every summer, but maybe I'm wrong.


Anybody else know about TOG and BC sales during the spring or summer?




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Unless you want to have both the Print AND Digital version or at least the option of upgrading to Digital, look for it used. I bought my Year 1 redesigned with MapAids, the Loom (of course), PopQuiz CDs and a few books used for $150. Couldn't get better than that.


Wow. That is a great deal!! Good for you! :)

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I've got Y's 1, 2 and 3 and bought them each at a "pre-order" price. They've discontinued that special, though. Last year, right after the economy tumbled, they had an issue with cash flow and were unable to get all the printing done on pre-ordered packages. They did eventually get them printed and delivered, but later than expected. I think they're being more conservative with their pricing, this year.


I was hoping to buy Y4 at a discount, too.

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I've already bought a gently used hard copy of Yr. 2 for next year, and it did include the MapAids. That's what I always do and, yes, it does save money. What I'm looking for now are all the resource books we'll be using for Yr. 2. I'm getting some set aside from Bookmooch as they are available, and I'll no doubt find some used copies to buy as well. I was hoping that BC might offer a sale this summer again so I can save as much money as possible on the rest of them that I will need to purchase. Then there's the evaluations and lapbooks, etc. that I'll also have to pick up as supplements.






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Unless you want to have both the Print AND Digital version or at least the option of upgrading to Digital, look for it used. I bought my Year 1 redesigned with MapAids, the Loom (of course), PopQuiz CDs and a few books used for $150. Couldn't get better than that.

This is your least expensive option. All the hubaloo about "updated reading lists" has never been an issue for me and I have only bought used editions up to this point. I've also Never had a problem with not getting books. Even out-of-print books can be found in the library :) All this constant revision is a bit exhausting and certainly causes expense where expense does not need to live :rant: The only reminder for you, if you want the digital edition, you can't get it used. *I* have faired very well with my used, redesigned, non-digital for several years :) I will buy Y4 in both digital and print though, b/c I've decided to save myself the lesson planning time in copying Student Assignment Pages (for 6 dc, 4 levels of TOG), so the digital is appealing to me....I'm still not happy that I can't resell my paper copy, though...even though I probably wouldn't anyways b/c I'll have it for another 10 years at least....okay, okay, I'll shut up now!


As for sales coming out of TOG, you won't get past a savings of $25 for about anything...at least that's what I've witnessed over the past several years. The Bundle is no longer available and has been replaced with their new suggestive software, that will "show" you where you might save, if I understood the most recent newsletter. If you want the newsletter of late, email me and I'll forward it to you. It discusses pricing.


I have been able to save on books I have bought by using Amazon.com, buying there and getting enough books to qualify for a lot of free shipping. Otherwise, buying used mostly, but not always,saves on books.

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I have been able to save on books I have bought by using Amazon.com, buying there and getting enough books to qualify for a lot of free shipping. Otherwise, buying used mostly, but not always,saves on books.


Yes, me too. I'm an Amazon Prime member, and it is worth every penny when it comes to shipping books!




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