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Could I have torn my achilles?

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Two years ago (two years exactly minus 8 days) my post tibulair tendon tore and I had to have surgery to try to fix it. My achilles has always been super tight and last night I helped move the set at my kids' play and ouch! Today it is swollen and red and painful, but still super tight. So if I tore it, would it still feel tight or would it feel a little loose? I called a few doctors and the first appointment is Sat.!! I have all the relatives coming for Peter Pan, where my daughter is flying. So yikes! I don't have time for this...again, seriously the thought of being in a cast (fifth time in two years) will set me over the edge.


So has anyone torn their achilles or had tendonitis and can explain to me how it feels. I do have a high pain threshold and have lots of nerve damage to that foot, so pain is not always the best judge for me.



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Well, when I tore mine I hadn't done anything strenuous. I just got up one morning and when I tried to stand up I couldn't. I can honestly say it is the worse pain I have ever had. I have a moderate threshold for pain.

I could not even rest my foot on the floor; couldn't even hold it so that it was flat.


I didn't have any discoloration or swelling.


I didn't go to the dr. right away because I've always had ankle problems but after 3 days I still couldn't put any pressure on it at all without the pain making me want to scream.


Hope it's just a sprain for you.

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You wouldn't be able to walk if you did. My daughter's ballet teacher tore his once and he said it felt like a window shade rolling up the inside of his calf....then excruciating pain.


I hope yours feels better soon. My dancing daughter had achilles tendonitis for awhile and it's not fun!



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My husband completely tore his achilles and didn't go to the doctor for nearly a MONTH!!! We kept thinking it must be a really bad twist/sprain. He limped around. He went to work. Finally, when he realized he couldn't walk up the stairs carrying a kiddo we realized he better get to the doctor. There wasn't much left of his tendon but a bunch of goo. The surgeon was able to replace with a tendon from his toe. The doctor wasn't sure what the outcome would be but dh can walk without a limp. I think he has played a light game of basketball (how he severed it in the first place.)


I always thought he was a big baby, but not after that. He must be made of steel!

Edited by Carpe Diem
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