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Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary?


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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone seen this yet? I'm still trying to figure out spelling for next year :glare:. It really appeals to me because it isn't as expensive as the other programs I was looking at. Sometime I think GWG is too easy though. And looking at the sample, I don't see any spelling rules being taught.

Edited by Moxie
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I bought it..haven't used it yet...but I have levels 1, 3 and 4. So if you want me to look at something specific, ask away...I would be happy to do it. We too, LOVED GWG...and were looking for a new spelling program...looked at several others, but decided on this hoping that it will be as great as GWG...it does look good, I think.

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  • 3 months later...

I bought it but I admit that I have not used it at all. We didn't even get past the first lesson. I have three levels and they all started out with compound words and I was like wait what??? hmmmm....i did not like that at all. I know that GWG is very much that what's in level 1 is the same that is in level 6 but on a more complex level but I didn't feel like spelling should be that way. I can flip through it some more and give you a little more feedback on what's in the rest of it if you'd like. I have levels 3, 5 and 6.


So we ditched it and I didn't do any spelling for a few weeks and then went with spelling workout but I may go back to it because I have it at some point but my kids NEED the phonics that spelling workout provides.

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I am using level 3 and 5. Love it! We are on week six or seven. It starts off the week with a spelling rule. The first day of the week they read the rule and the words and definitions. Then there is a pretest. Instead of that, I have my dc write the words out. There is a lesson each day that takes about 15 minutes done independently. There are crosswords, word scrambles, copywork, etc. I quiz my dc orally on day 5 and so far they can spell most of the words correctly without studying. It's a keeper for us :0)

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We're on our 3rd week here. The kids and I really like it. They think it's fun! The only negative, which is more of personal choice, is the way it's bound. Sometimes the kids have to look at day one's definitions later in the week and it annoys me that they can't flip left to right but rather up and back. kwim? They haven't complained about it, just me :)

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Now that Soaring has been out for over a year would any of you ladies who have used it care to weigh in?! I have been doing SWO (by default really since it is was they recommend in TWTM), but am not exactly thrilled with it. I recently looked at SwS and thought it looked pretty good, but haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Any thoughts, positive or negative, would be welcome! :D

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We've done the first two weeks of SWS 2 and SWS 6. So far it's fine. The words seem appropriate I like that each day's work is self-contained in a page.


So far, the only complaint I have so far is that the dictionary definitions are often too difficult for a second grader to understand. For instance, my daughter was supposed to match the word "laugh" with "to expel air..." or something absurd like that... when she didn't know what expel meant.


Anyway, I'm happy with it overall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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