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My fathers world and state testing

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I was wondering how others children who use MFW have done with state testing?

Unfortunately Oregon requires state testing at grade 3 and I am afraid my daughter will be behind becuse she won't really get much from ECC until fifth grade when we cycle back to it. Does doing things out of sequince like this affect their test results?


If you use MFW or have used it did you use all the suggested add ons for LA & math or another and how did this work with test results as well?

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I'm in Washougal right across the border :) and we have to test yearly after they turn 8. The tests are math and language arts for the vast majority, sometimes a little science/social studies (common sense things) depending on which test you take. We're in our 3rd year of MFW and we haven't had any problems with the tests. Don't worry. ;)


(Didn't see your 2nd question - sorry) I've used mostly WTM recommendations for LA and Math. Horizons math through 3rd grade, then to Saxon 5/4. FLL for grammar, IEW for writing, Spell to Read and Write, ... I honestly don't pay much attention to MFW's LA and math recommendations and use what seems to work best for my kiddos.:)

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Two years ago, we were offered a job in Oregon and planning to move. I was a WRECK because I didn't feel dd was ready to be tested. We're always a semester behind in Math and we've never followed the PS schedules for History or Science. Chris Klicka was at our convention that year and I spoke with him about possibly keeping her registered in NM until our house sold to give her another year. He assured me that VERY RARELY does any homeschooled child fail or preform poorly on those tests. When they do, he said, it is usually due to learning disabilities etc. It made me feel a lot better about the whole situation. And then, we didn't take the job:lol:. But it should encourage you none the less.




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Another Oregonian here and considering MFW as well. My oldest is finishing up his first first grade year. Do they have to test at the end of second or the beginning of third? I would imagine if you use a good math, reading, and writing program with MFW that you dc should be fine. Math and language arts are the biggies regarding testing.



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Thanks! I guess I am most likely too worried about it. I don't even know if you have to turn them in or if it is just for your records...

Sorry I don't know if they take it at the end of 2nd or 3rd? That is a really good question. I may look into that and I'll let you know what I find.


I would be interested in hearing from others still on how MFW students do.


Thanks to all who have replied so far :)

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My children have always done well on the state tests and we are a MFW family. As stated, it's mostly Math and Language Arts with a bit of Social Studies thrown in. So as long as you are covering those areas, they should do fine. As Chris Klicka stated, most homeschool kids should do fine on those tests unless there really is an issue such as a learning disability. I wouldn't fret.

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At what levels does MFW cover social studies? Is it incorportated into all levels? Or should I add grade appropriate social studies for the younger child who is just tagging along with her older brother?


How old are your kiddos? Have you looked at their website? They don't teach, "Social Studies" like the public schools do. They teach History from real, living books. What you do with your little one would depend on what year you use, and the age of your little one. You can also go ask your questions at their forums. The ladies over there are very sweet and would more than happy to help. We're sweet too, but I like to go to the publisher's forums and get opinions there too.:D




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At what levels does MFW cover social studies? Is it incorportated into all levels? Or should I add grade appropriate social studies for the younger child who is just tagging along with her older brother?


"social studies" topics are covered all throughout MFW materials. That would be history, geography, cultures, religion. Civics, and econ -- much later when that is more appropriate.


other kinds of things in group school settings for social studies would be "community helpers" --- well, in homeschool we call that real life field trips to the grocery store, post office, etc. and behaving while there, or church activities and interacting with people there.


I think with the geography and history and even a touch of "civics" in ADV and K -- and how to relate to others... you're fine.


The Kindy program does have Kindy level geography in it. You'll get those maps to learn oceans, continent, animals on them... there were some units in there on health and five senses... (some places called that science/social studies).



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Thanks Coffeefreak :) I love that by the way... I am a coffeefreak too :))


My children are going to be 5 & 7 and in K & 2nd grade when we start MFW we are going to be doing adventures and 1st grade (slowly w/ k'r) next year.


My main reason for asking about the social studies is because if it is on the standardized tests I want to make sure they are learning it at the sequence that will be on the test so that they don't bomb it.


I guess I could print out the Oregon Education guidelines for each year and make sure they are getting what they need each year... I was just thinking I would ask on here to see what others have noticed on test scores for MFW including social studies, vocab, history, etc.

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Thanks Coffeefreak :) I love that by the way... I am a coffeefreak too :))


My children are going to be 5 & 7 and in K & 2nd grade when we start MFW we are going to be doing adventures and 1st grade (slowly w/ k'r) next year.


My main reason for asking about the social studies is because if it is on the standardized tests I want to make sure they are learning it at the sequence that will be on the test so that they don't bomb it.


I guess I could print out the Oregon Education guidelines for each year and make sure they are getting what they need each year... I was just thinking I would ask on here to see what others have noticed on test scores for MFW including social studies, vocab, history, etc.


Great minds think alike! ;)


I print out NM benchmarks every year. They help me know what we're "missing." I have to admit, I poo poo "Social Studies" because, in NM it's how to get along with your neighbor, knowing where you live, what are different cultures etc. The one thing I do cover every year is map skills. I go to a local teacher supply store and pick up a Map skills workbook to work through once a week. I gave the Iowa test a couple years ago, and that was the section that threw the homeschool kids for a loop.


I'm going to test dd for the first time this year, and I'm going to purchase a test-prep book for her. I think we'll start looking at it in May, maybe once a week, so she has an idea of what's expected of her. Then, the last week in June I'm going to give her the test. Since you have to test in OR (we don't in NM), I would look into test prep as a year long subject the year before testing. So, maybe not next year, but for third grade doing test-prep all year. When we were thinking of moving to OR, the law I read stated that you can take the test every year, but you only have to send the required years to your school district. DH and I had decided to test our girls on the "off" years and not send them to the district. That way, the years that count wouldn't be so overwhelming. You might consider doing that next year for your oldest. Find a tester, give her the test and see how she does! I bet it will take a load off the next year.




PS I hear OR has some of the BEST coffee. You have some great roasters there!

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