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Anyone use Math On The Level????


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I have it, but am only doing the most basic of preK stuff with my girlie so far. The sort of stuff you don't need a curriculum for even if you are a dunce at maths :)


There's no reason it wouldn't work with a kid who is good at maths. It's designed to be flexible so you can speed up, slow down, jump topics, revise concepts more often, less often, or not at all. Actually, I don't see why it wouldn't work for any child, but I can see a few good reasons why it wouldn't work for the teaching parent :)


If you want open and go, or something self teaching, this isn't it. I'm going to use this and supplement with MEP and later, Life of Fred, I think. I think it's a good program. It provides examples on how to teach a concept in a few different ways and includes a concept chart so you can jump about, but still feel sure you aren't going to miss anything major. Like all maths programs, though, it doesn't include everything anyone could possibly wish, and MEP is different and free :)



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I have it on my shelf. I wanted to love it, i wanted it to be the answer i was looking for, but it wasn't. For me it is a framework, a guideline of topics you need to cover from K - 8 with a systematic review feature. It does have examples of ways to teach concepts but i don't think the teaching side is as 'why' orientated as Singapore or RS. 'Why' is very important to me.


So if i had all the time in the world i would look through all of the programs that i have and plug in the teaching methods to my MOTL flowchart and use the MOTL review system to keep ontop of everything. Unfortunately i don't have that time at the moment!

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It does have examples of ways to teach concepts but i don't think the teaching side is as 'why' orientated as Singapore or RS. 'Why' is very important to me.


I was wondering about this....I'm the same way. I want to know why, and it may have something to do with the fact that I'm NOT a math person, so I want my children to understand the "why's" :)

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I was wondering about this....I'm the same way. I want to know why, and it may have something to do with the fact that I'm NOT a math person, so I want my children to understand the "why's" :)


Same here. I stopped short of buying it after extensive research.

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I received my set about an hour ago!

I have a nearly 7 yr old who is just finishing grade 2 math. I did use rightstart level B which I liked but didn't do level C this year. We have done a mixture of math mammoth and singapore which are both good-especially math mammoth and I may buy grade 3 as it is fairly inexpensive.


I have 2 yrs left to homeschool ds after which he will probably go to school. I have decided that I want to teach ds math as part of life and show him the practical applications rather than just have him go through a book by himself. He is a wriggly boy who would rather be active than sitting down by himself working through a page of problems. He says he hates maths but the reality is he is very good he just hates worksheets! For example he loves calculations with money because he can see the point!


So I went with MOTL because I can learn how to teach him a concept he is ready for and still keep up with revising what he has been taught previously. I can taylor every single minute of teaching to him. If he is not mature to understand something I can make a note and try something else. The concepts are clearly laid out in a table and I can just mark them off as we go, revewing as necessary.


It is not open and go as MM is, and I will have to teach him rather than just give him a book to read. However that is what I want to do and it wouldn't suit everyone. Whereas previously I could hand him his 2 pages to complete whilst I made the beds, I can't do that now.

I also want to learn how I can bring math more into everyday situations for my older 2 boys I want a way of life rather than 30 mins of worksheets.


I would only supplement if I need a break from teaching for whatever reason.

This is my last couple of yrs of home educating and I want ds to remember the fun he had with Mum not the boredom as he has sometimes experienced up to now.

As I said, it isn't for everyone but I'm really trying hard not to recreate school at home because he has years of that ahead of him lol!

That said, I am not finding it over whelming after reading through the starter guide and feel confident that I can hit the road running.

I think you need to work out what you want to achieve with your maths education and then you can work out how you can best do that.



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I have it on my shelf. I wanted to love it, i wanted it to be the answer i was looking for, but it wasn't. For me it is a framework, a guideline of topics you need to cover from K - 8 with a systematic review feature. It does have examples of ways to teach concepts but i don't think the teaching side is as 'why' orientated as Singapore or RS. 'Why' is very important to me.


So if i had all the time in the world i would look through all of the programs that i have and plug in the teaching methods to my MOTL flowchart and use the MOTL review system to keep ontop of everything. Unfortunately i don't have that time at the moment!


I could have written this post! I haven't sold MOTL yet, I guess because I'm still hoping that someday it will work out better. We'll see.

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We've been using it this year and I've found it to be a great way to organize and structure math for my three youngest children. I love the organizational side, the 5 a days work great for us and it enables me to teach everyone the same concept at their own level rather than working out of three different books. I couldn't have asked for a better program for my family.

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Sooooo. What are you guys using for the "whys" then?




We are using RightStart Math, and for the first time in my life, I actually enjoy math. Better yet, my dd now says that math is her favorite subject. She has really gained a good number sense and excellent mental computation skills with this program. And she does understand "why." We love it over here!

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